
A human "Heartbeat" checker hosted on Telegram.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A human "Heartbeat" checker hosted on Telegram and powered by Google Apps Script. You can read all about it here.

SphygmoBot - A human Heartbeat checker hosted on Telegram. | Product Hunt Embed


  1. Copy paste all the code from this repo to a new apps script
  2. Create a new Google Spreadsheet and DO NOT change anything else there
  3. Generate a Telegram Bot API token per the instructions
  4. Replace the Sheet ID and Telegram Bot API Token on Code.gs
  5. Deploy the script as a Web App
  6. Run the setup function from Setup.gs (it is important that you deploy the script first and then the setup function)
    • Then run the scheduler function from Setup.gs

Live Demo

You can access SphygmoBot on Telegram & watch a setup video here -

Watch the video


  1. Please consider this as a Proof of Concept (POC) and not a full-fledged application to utilise in everyday life!
  2. Also, this bot makes use of Telegram BOT API's Webhook functionality and logs (stores) all parameters (data) including (but not restricted to) first name, last name, chat & message ID, user name etc.