
JupyterHub user authentication via the http header

Primary LanguagePython



pip install jupyterhub-headerauthenticator

Configuration examples

Configurable within jupyterhub_config.py.

c.JupyterHub.authenticator_class = "header"
c.HeaderAuthenticator.header_name = "X-USER"

Here's an example of using it behind an mTLS-enabled reverse proxy.

c.JupyterHub.authenticator_class = "header"
c.HeaderAuthenticator.header_name = "X-TLS-CLIENT-SUBJECT"
# Group 1 from the matched pattern becomes the username
c.HeaderAuthenticator.header_pattern = "^CN=([^,]+)"

You can set the redirect_url as follows:

c.HeaderAuthenticator.redirect_url = "/services/shared-jupyterlab/"

If you do not wish to create system users, set create_system_users to False.

c.HeaderAuthenticator.create_system_users = False