
Ludum Dare MiniLD #67 entry, Snake remix, Online Achievement tracking, random world generation

Primary LanguageHaxe


Snek Redux was my attempt at Ludum Dare 67 which had the theme of Remixing a classic game, in my case, Snake. All done in HaxeFlixel.

Click here to play this game online


Snek Redux has 3 levels - the forest, the caves, and the maze. Unlike regular snake, this game is an autoscroller of sorts, and plays more like a roguelike.

My goal with this game was to try and give the most professional polish I possibly could in a short amount of time (2 weeks, 1 week for the initial game, 1 week of extra polish and online hookup.) This meant finding out the most that could be done alone and with limited time, to that effort, this game has:

  • A full soundtrack of upbeat royalty free EDM music
  • Complete customization for the appearence of the game, toggles to turn on/off light effects, graphics, etc.
  • A full suite of 30 achievements that are online compatible (using the Newgrounds API, that at the time, required me to write a custom Online handler for Haxe)
  • Unlockables
  • 3 unique bosses with different mechanics to defeat them
  • Secrets and more!

There's quite a bit going on in this game! Unfortunately, the code isn't commented, as it was a smaller project for personal use (this is 3 years ago, when I was naive and didn't get into the habit of commenting everything unless a professor was watching, now ofc I do!)