
Tiny game in 24x24 canvas made in 4 hours

Primary LanguageHaxe



This is a HaxeFlixel template that is particularly helpful for game jams. It consists of:

  • An empty HaxeFlixel project generated with the flixel template command (with config files for Visual Studio Code).
  • Automated HTML5 builds after each commit using GitHub Actions with deployment to GitHub Pages, so the playable game shows up on http://<user-name>.github.io/<repo-name>/. In this case the URL is http://haxeflixel.github.io/game-jam-template/. Very handy if you want feedback from others mid-jam!

This is a template repository, simply click "Use this template" to create a copy of it on your own GitHub account!


  • For the first GitHub pages deployment, it can take around 10 minutes for the page to show up. Also, the repository needs to be public.
  • The HTML5 builds are made with the -final flag, which means Dead Code Elimination and Minification are active to create smaller .js files. However, your code needs to be DCE-safe (avoid reflection or use @:keep).