
A quick start

  1. go to src/
  2. compile the program by "make"
  3. run "./exe"

Code structure

  1. CMAES library
    • cmaes_interface.h
    • cmaes.h
    • cmaes.c
    • boundary_transformation.h
    • boundary_transformation.c
    • my_cmaes.h
    • my_cmaes.c
  2. Optimizer
    • Range.h
      • ContinuousRange.h
      • DiscreteRange.h
    • InputVariable.h
    • SearchSpace.h
    • SearchSpace.cpp
    • Node.h
    • Node.cpp
    • MCTS.h
    • MCTS.cpp
  3. Others
    • Parser.h
    • Parser.cpp
    • main.cpp
  4. Configurations
    • cmaes_initials.par
    • cmaes_signals.par
    • input.config


  1. Set the dimension of variables by modifying 13th line of cmaes_initials.par
  2. Specify the details of variables in input.config.
  3. Specify the objective function in main.cpp "fitfun"
    • 1st argument is a list of continuous variables
    • 2nd argument is a list of discrete variables
  4. Specify parameters for the optimizer in main.cpp line 24
    • 1st argument (0.2): a scalar for balancing exploration and exploitation
    • 2nd argument (100): a global budget, how many times to visit the tree
    • 3nd argument (30): a local budget, how many simulations for a local search
    • 4th argument (ss): no need to touch
    • 5th argument (&fitfun): no need to touch
