Get the item crawler by calling
$crawler = new \Chougron\AliexpressCrawler\Crawler();
$item = $crawler->crawlItem($itemUrl);
Returns the ID of the item
Returns the canonical URL of the item
Returns an array containing the gallery images of the item
Returns the name of the item
Returns the name of the shop selling the item
Returns the URL of the shop selling the item
Returns the description of the item
Returns the cost of the item
Returns the maximum cost of the item
Returns the type of the item. simple if there is no variation or configurable if there are some.
Returns an array containing the different Skus of the item. If the item is a simple item, the array will have only one element.
Returns the image identifying the given Sku.
The Sku Object correspond to the different variations of the item sold on the same page. It can have a different price, a different quantity of inventory, and a different image.
The ID of the item Sku
The price of the Sku
The quantity remaining for the Sku
To launch the tests, you need to install the vendors with composer, and then you can use the following command :
./vendor/bin/phpunit --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php tests/