
:milky_way: Open Source AI for large scale open ended feedback

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


pol.is an AI powered sentiment gathering platform. More organic than surveys, less effort than focus groups.

Nightly Docker Builds E2E Tests

🚧 Disclaimer

  • The documentation and configuration in this code repository is for development ONLY, and emphatically NOT intended for production deployment.
  • We do NOT make guarantees of easy setup or management, push-button deployment, security, firm development timelines, technical support, future migration paths, data integrity, existence of bugs, or completeness of existing features. All of the above is actively in flux on dev branch.
  • Work in the issue queue and codebase is being done in part by passionate volunteer contributors. They will often be experimenting with unproven project infrastructure that is unsupported by the Polis organization, e.g. pre-built docker images.
  • See also: Deployment: About SSL/HTTPS

Having said this, we are enthusiastic about your support in moving toward deployment-readiness. We aspire to see future third-party deployments of polis as we cultivate a growing community of diverse contributors! We look forward to working together πŸŽ‰

πŸ™‹πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ Get Involved

  1. Say hi in one of our chat rooms πŸ’¬
  2. Join one of our weekly open calls 🎀
  3. Visit our issue tracker βœ… to offer your skills & energies

πŸ’» Development

Recommendations: Docker-Machine (on DigitalOcean with 2GB memory)

Running with docker-compose:

Before running docker-compose up for the first time:

After cloning, navigate via command line to the root of this repository.

Next, either do a pull (faster):

docker-compose pull

If you get a permission error, try running sudo docker-compose pull, and sudo will be necessary for all other commands as well. To avoid having to run sudo in the future, you can follow setup instruction here: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/linux-postinstall/

or do a build (to utilize recent or local changes):

docker-compose up --build

once you've either pulled or built, you can run the following when you want to run the project:

docker-compose up

To force a full re-build with no cache from previous builds: docker-compose build --parallel --no-cache

You can end the process using Ctrl+C

Running as a background process

If you would like to run docker compose as a background process, run the up commands with the --detach flag, e.g.,:

docker-compose up --detach

And to stop: docker-compose down

check your ip (only necessary on docker-machine):

docker-machine ip

Visit your instance at:

Or visit a native docker instance at http://localhost:80/

Sign up at /createuser path. You'll be logged in right away; no email validation required!

What features still need work?

Note: Due to past file re-organizations, you may find the following git configuration helpful for looking at history:

git config --local include.path ../.gitconfig

πŸ” Testing

We use Cypress for automated, end-to-end browser testing! (See badge above.)

Please see e2e/README.md.

πŸš€ Deployment

Please see docs/deployment.md

©️ License

AGPLv3 with additional permission under section 7