Automatic Number plate detection

Table of Contents


This program detects and extract the Vehicle Number using TESSERACT OCR ENGINE. Image undergoes different operations to extract the image.

  1. First it take image as input. Sample image

  2. Converts the image into grayscale. Grey scale

  3. Contour mapping. Contour mapping

  4. Conversion to black and white image according to threshold value. black and white

  5. Inverting image and final output Inverted Image

  6. Text Extraction

    • Output is then passed to Tesseract which will detect all the text in the image
    • filteration of all the text we got to vehicle number

Installation Prerequisites

  • python

To Download python Go to the python Download Website.

  • Tesseract

To install Tesseract 32 bit version click on the link

To install Tesseract 64 bit version click on the link

How to Run

  1. Clone this Repo to your Local Machine.
  2. Open The Terminal/CMD in the clonned folder.
  3. type py -m pip install -r requirements.txt' to install all the required libraries.
  4. For detecting vehicle number in the sample image. a. type python sample.jpg in the Terminal/CMD.
  5. For detecting vehicle number in image.
    a. Paste the image you want to detect vehicle number in the current directory. b. Type python [image_name].
  6. Vehicle number printed in Terminal/CMD.