
Scheduling widget.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A UI widget for creating or editing repeating calendar entries. Dynamically injects HTML anwhere in an Angular app. Provides methods for converting schedule entry to and from RRule format, based on the iCalendar RFC.


bower install angular-scheduler


Coming soon...

Sample App

An example application is included along with a simple node based web server. With node installed, run the following to start the server:

node ./scripts/web-server.js 8000

Visit the sample by pointing your browser to http://localhost:8000/app/index.html


After cloning the repo, install the the bower packages listed in bower.json:

bower install

Install the npm packages listed in package.json:

node install

Install Grunt command line:

npm install -g grunt-cli

From the project root run the grunt command. This will execute the default steps found in Gruntfile.js, which will lint and minify the javascript and css files:


You should see output similar to the following:

Running "jshint:uses_defaults" (jshint) task
>> 2 files lint free.

Running "uglify:my_target" (uglify) task
File "lib/angular-scheduler.min.js" created.

Running "less:production" (less) task
File lib/angular-scheduler.min.css created.

Run tests found in the ./tests directory. GetRRule.js provides a set of unit tests. Install Karma, and launch with the folllowing:

cd test
karma start

SetRRule.js provides end-to-end tests that run with Protractor. Follow the instructions to install protractor and a local selenium server (assuming you don't have access to an existing selenium server). Launch the provided sample app (as described above) in a terminal session. In a separate terminal session launch a local selenium server. The test configuration file expects the web server to run at localhost:8000 and the selenium server to run at localhost:4444. In a third session luanch the tests:

Session 1:
node ./scripts/web-server.js 8000

Session 2: webdriver-manager start

Session 3: cd tests protractor protractorConf.js