
Ansible role for sending an email message

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Quick and easy way to send an email message from Tower, Jenkins or any job stream.


Requires v2 of the mail module. If you are not running v2 of ansible, you can install v2 of the mail module. Create a library directory in the path where you run playbooks, and download a copy of the latest mail module to library/mail.py.

Role Variables

All of the mail module parameters have been turned into variables.

SMTP server connection.

sendmail_host: smtp.google.com
sendmail_port: 587
sendmail_username: "email_address@gmail.com"
sendmail_password: "password1!"

Construct the email message.

sendmail_to: "foo@companydomain.com"
sendmail_cc: "bar@companydomain.com, baz@companydomain.com"
sendmail_from: "admin@companydomain.com"
sendmail_subject: "The upgrade process complete!"
sendmail_body: {{ lookup('file','/tmp/email_body.txt') }} 

Provide a path to a temporary file space the user running the playbook can write to. Defaults to '/tmp'.

sendmail_tmp: "/home/username"

Add any optional special headers

sendmail_headers: "Reply-To=john@example.com|X-Special='Something or other'"

Set the character set. Defaults to 'utf8'.

sendmail_charset: 'us-ascii'

Set the type of message - text or html. Defaults to html.

sendmail_subtype: html

Provide an optional space separated list of file attachments.

sendmail_attachments: "/etc/group /tmp/pavatar2.png"



Example Playbook

A simple playbook to send an email:

# sendmail.yml
- name: Sending email
  hosts: local
  - { role: sendmail }

Run the playbook with something like:

ansible-playbook sendmail.yml -i inventory.txt -e "@vars.yml"



Author Information

Thanks for checking out the sendmail role. Hopefully it makes sending email messages from your job streams super easy.

For questions, comments suggestions please open an issue.

Chris Houseknecht
Lead Galaxy Engineer
Ansible, Inc.