Collection of bookmarked tools for security, red teaming, blue teaming, pentesting and other
- Cipher Tools
- SSL & TLS Security Testing
- PadBuster - Automated script for performing Padding Oracle attacks
- Let’s Encrypt
- SSLScrape
- memorpy - Python library using ctypes to search/edit windows/linux/OSX/SunOS programs memory
- LinEnum - Scripted Local Linux Enumeration & Privilege Escalation Checks
- Windows-Exploit-Suggester
- SessionGopher - extract session info from WinSCP, PuTTY, SuperPuTTY, FileZilla, and RDP
- Sherlock - PowerShell script to quickly find missing software patches for local privilege escalation vulnerabilities
- Pupy - opensource, cross-platform RAT and post-exploitation tool
- UACME - Defeat UAC
- p0wnedShell - PowerShell Runspace Post Exploitation Toolkit
- mimikittenz - powershell tool for extracting juicy info from memory
- Privilege Escalation & Post-Exploitation
- GimmeCreds - quickly dump all credz from known locations
- Lanmaster Linux built-in shells
- Python PTY backdoors
- FuzzySecurity Windows Privilege Escalation Fundamentals
- GTFOBins
- Living Off The Land Binaries And Scripts
- Cryptocat
- Panopticlick - browser tracking tests
- DNS leak test
- StartPage Search Engine
- Advanced Privacy and Anonymity Using VMs, VPN’s, Tor
- VBad - VBA Obfuscation Tools combined with an MS office document generator
- GreatSCT - AV / whitelist bypass
- Ebowla - Framework for Making Environmental Keyed Payloads
- sshuttle: where transparent proxy meets VPN meets ssh
- FireEye Free Security Software
- Windows-Prefetch-Parser
- GRR Rapid Response: remote live forensics for incident response
- DumpsterFire Toolset - "Security Incidents In A Box!"
- DNS Blacklists
- LogonTracer
- Threat Hunting Reconnaissance Toolkit
- NotRuler - detect Ruler usage
- DetectionLab - Vagrant & Packer scripts to build a lab environment complete with security tooling and logging best practices
- Request Tracker for Incident Response
- Cybersponse
- JPCERT Tool Analysis Result Sheet
- Rekall Memory Forensic Framework
- Kansa - A Powershell incident response framework
- EventID - Windows Event Log Analysis
- SysmonSearch
- Awesome Threat Detection and Hunting
- Digital Forensics Magic Number
- SwiftOnSecurity sysmon-config
- sysmon-modular
- awesome incident response
- windows events samples associated to specific attack and post-exploitation techniques
- Active Directory Security
- ADRecon
- JAWS - Just Another Windows (Enum) Script
- WINspect - Powershell-based Windows Security Auditing Toolbox
- icebreaker - get plaintext AD creds from internal network while outside AD env
- RedSnarf - pen-testing / red-teaming tool for Windows environments
- Spray
- Domain Password Audit Tool for Pentesters
- PowerUpSQL: A PowerShell Toolkit for Attacking SQL Server
- Gobuster
- Knock Subdomain Scan
- Cross-Site Content (Data) Hijacking (XSCH) PoC Project
- Sublist3r
- shellfire - Exploitation shell for exploiting LFI, RFI, and command injection vulnerabilities
- b374k shell
- Flashbang
- firepwd - decrypt Mozilla protected passwords
- OWASP Skanda - SSRF Exploitation Framework
- JS Beautifier
- httpscreenshot
- Aquatone - A Tool for Domain Flyovers
- dirsearch
- parameth - This tool can be used to brute discover GET and POST parameters
- LinkFinder - A python script that finds endpoints in JavaScript files
- Firefox-Security-Toolkit
- Sparty - MS Sharepoint and Frontpage Auditing Tool
- WPSeku - Wordpress Security Scanner
- RAWR - Rapid Assessment of Web Resources
- Certificate Transparency Monitoring
- Qualys SSL Labs
- Mozilla Observatory
- Built With
- What CMS?
- Domain Hunter
- Drupwn
- EyeWitness
- SubBrute
- tko-subs
- XSS Payloads
- NoSQL injection payloads
- Tplmap - Server-Side Template Injection
- WPForce - Wordpress Attack Suite
- Weevely - Weaponized web shell
- zseano tutorials
- droopescan - plugin-based scanner for several CMS's
- Online JavaScript beautifier
- XSStrike - Advanced XSS Detection Suite
- Offensive Web Testing Framework (OWTF)
- Joomlavs - black box Joomla vulnerability scanner
- DOM XSS Scanner
- WhatWeb - Next generation web scanner
- GoLismero - The Web Knife
- Awesome XSS stuff
- ysoserial - A proof-of-concept tool for generating payloads that exploit unsafe Java object deserialization
- SubFinder is a subdomain discovery tool that discovers valid subdomains for websites
- Bucket Finder
- S3Scanner - Scan for open S3 buckets and dump
- Nimbostratus - Tools for fingerprinting and exploiting Amazon cloud infrastructures
- GDB exploitable plugin
- ILSpy - .NET Decompiler
- GDB dashboard
- PEDA - Python Exploit Development Assistance for GDB
- TWindbg - PEDA-like debugger UI for WinDbg
- Cuckoo Sandbox
- x64dbg
- ROPgadget
- GDB Enhanced Features
- Corelan blog
- MultiAV scanner
- File Signatures
- File Signature Database
- SystemLookup filename lookup
- Malware Domain List
- Reverse Image Search
- WolframAlpha
- Shodan
- Censys
- Search Engine Colossus
- IP Address Locator
- IP address location
- MX Toolbox
- DNSgoodies
- IPv4info
- Hurricane Electric BGP Toolkit
- DNSlytics
- Domaintools whois
- Gitrob
- GitHarvester
- GitMiner
- Gitleaks
- Truffle Hog
- Intel Techniques Tools
- LinkedInt: A LinkedIn scraper for reconnaissance during adversary simulation
- Robtex
- Online Tools and Services
- OSINT Flowcharts
- Wigle Wireless Network Mapper
- Censys subdomain finder
- Domain Dossier
- OSINT Team
- OSINT Framework
- Danger-zone - Correlate data between domains, IPs and email addresses, present it as a graph and store everything into Elasticsearch and JSON files
- SpiderFoot - OSINT automation
- intoDNS - checks the health and configuration and provides DNS report and mail servers report
- - www tools
- OnlineDomainTools
- Tater - PowerShell implementation of the Hot Potato Windows Privilege Escalation exploit
- PayloadsAllTheThings - A list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CT
- Potato Privilege Escalation on Windows 7,8,10, Server 2008, Server 2012
- Rhino Security Labs exploits
- luckystrike - PowerShell based utility for the creation of malicious Office macro documents
- CACTUSTORCH: Payload Generation for Adversary Simulations
- Serpico - SimplE RePort wrIting and CollaboratiOn tool
- Vulnreport - Pentesting management and automation platform
- nmap-bootstrap-xsl
- Nishang - PowerShell for penetration testing and offensive security
- Python tools for penetration testers
- CrackMapExec - A swiss army knife for pentesting networks
- TrustedSec tools
- fuzzbunch
- A Red Teamer's guide to pivoting
- byt3bl33d3r tools
- dafthack tools
- Ruler - A tool to abuse Exchange services
- Impacket - collection of Python classes for working with network protocols
- GoFetch - automatically exercise an attack plan generated by BloodHound
- Responder
- MDSec Research tools
- EQGRP Lost in Translation
- Red team Arsenal
- RouterSploit
- WarBerryPi - Tactical Exploitation
- Atomic Red Team
- MITRE™ ATT&CK tools
- Unicorn - PowerShell downgrade attack and inject shellcode straight into memory
- net-creds - Sniffs sensitive data from interface or pcap
- Awesome Red Teaming
- Red Teaming/Adversary Simulation Toolkit
- Active Directory Kill Chain Attack & Defense
- Merlin - cross-platform post-exploitation HTTP/2 C&C server and agent
- ODAT: Oracle Database Attacking Tool
- redteam-plan
- Red-Team-Infrastructure-Wiki
- Bizploit - SAP penetration testing
- ReelPhish
- evilginx2 - MITM framework
- CredSniper - phishing framework
- Gophish
- King Phisher - Phishing Campaign Toolkit
- Phishing Frenzy - Ruby on Rails Phishing Framework
- Domain Hunter - Checks expired domains for categorization/reputation
- Gauntlt - ruggedization framework that enables security testing that is usable by devs, ops and security
- OWASP Dependency Check
- RetireJS - scanner detecting the use of JavaScript libraries with known vulnerabilities
- devsecops-reference-architectures
- awesome-devsecops
- awesome-static-analysis
- grep rough audit - source code auditing tool
- tracy - A tool designed to assist with finding all sinks and sources of a web application