VPS Resource Viewer (PHP)
If you ever have a website on your VPS or dedicated server, you could use this repo to view useful information about your system.
What does it show ?
- Graph and sections with: HDD, CPU and RAM usage
- Uptime
- Network usage: recieved/sent data and amount of packages
- Operating system
These dependencies are requireds but already included in the index file.
- jQuery
- Highcharts
This php page has been tested on CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)
and CentOS release 6.9 (Final)
There's a chance you might need to edit the getData.php
for your system.
This is located in the script.js
var refresh_time = 3; //every x seconds the page get refreshed
If you want you can have yours below too. Just do a pull request and i'll merge it with pleasure.