
Primary LanguageZig


ArchLinux User Repository Explorer Helper Utility Tool Thing


rua has two options

rua list

Prints a list of all AUR packages into the stdout.

rua info <pkg>

Queries the AUR-api for information of the specified package, then outputs the json response to stdout.


Standalone this is probably not very usefull, compose with other tools like this:

aur() {
    rua list \
    | fzf --multi \
          --inline-info \
          --preview='rua info {} | jq -r ".results[] | to_entries | .[] | \"\(.key): \(.value)\""' \
          --bind "enter:become(clone_and_cd https://aur.archlinux.org/{}.git)"


rua caches the AUR package list in $XDG_CACHE_HOME/packages.rua or ~/.cache/packages.rua and checks on startup if the package list should be redownloaded. To force a reload simply delete the file.


Build with zig v0.14.0-dev.2182+54d0ba418 it may or may not work with other commits, zig breaks often.

$ cd rua
$ zig build run -- list