
Set of scripts used for ingesting the Brooklyn Museum collection into Mediachain

Primary LanguagePython

Brooklyn Museum 🎨 Mediachain

The collection

The Brooklyn Museum has made their entire collection accessible via REST API available on their website.

The API exposes a number of methods you can use to explore their entire collection.

For our purposes we're primarily interested in ingesting the following object types:

  • Artist
  • Object
  • Collection
  • Exhibition
  • Museum Location
  • Geographical Locations

Getting the raw data

Before you begin, you must apply for an api key via their web form.

Be sure to review their terms of use before starting.

Once you have your API key, clone this repo using a terminal:

$ git clone https://github.com/Pyython/brooklyn-museum-mediachain

Find the /config directory in the repo you just cloned and open example_config.py in a text editor.
Replace [INSERT YOUR API KEY HERE] with your api key and save the file as config.py in the same folder.

Then, in a terminal cd into the main directory of the repo you cloned and run:

$ python artist.py

This script pings the API and constructs a JSON file called artists.json containing all of the artists and their associated metadata in the Brooklyn Museum collection and saves it in the data directory.

Processing the data

The artists.json file consists of one big JSON array, each member of which is an object. We want to turn that into newline-delimited JSON so we can easily generate a schema and publish the data to Mediachain.

Using jq, we can easily unpack the array: jq -c '.[]' artists.json > artists.ndjson - the .[] jq filter selects each member of the array and prints it, and the -c flag instructs it to use "compact" printing, which results in one object per line.

In your terminal, cd into the data directory and run the following command:

$ jq -c '.[]' artists.json > artists.ndjson

Examples of these files are included in the data directory for your reference.

Generating a schema

Follow the instructions to install schema-guru, a tool that automatically derives a JSON schema from a set of JSON instances. The schema generation guide explains the naming conventions and the parameters we're using:

$ schema_guru schema --ndjson --no-length --vendor org.brooklynmuseum --name artist --schemaver 1-0-0 --output org.brooklynmuseum-artist-jsonschema-1-0-0.json artists.ndjson

Publish the schema to Mediachain:

$ mcclient publishSchema org.brooklynmuseum-artist-jsonschema-1-0-0.json

You should see output similar to the following:

Published schema with wki = schema:org.brooklynmuseum/artist/jsonschema/1-0-0 to namespace mediachain.schemas
Object ID: QmZZocm4RynNrCe4poQcF7t1pD732dnCqaRFKAwYHwQ2tB
Statement ID: 4XTTM9Y6Sso29BhUFWsNwjRbtmQrTz1oYSPfVNFxMkhLyH7iF:1478808450:0

Publish to Mediachain

We're ready to publish objects from the Brooklyn Museum collection to Mediachain:

$ mcclient publish --namespace museums.brooklynmuseum.artist --idFilter .id --schemaReference QmZZocm4RynNrCe4poQcF7t1pD732dnCqaRFKAwYHwQ2tB artist.ndjson

Publishing the rest of the data

Repeat the steps above to create schemas and publish data for objects, collections, exhibitions, museum locations, and geographical locations.

Interacting with the data

Lets confirm that the data is really in our node!

mcclient query "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM museums.brooklynmuseum.*"

You can interact with the rest of the data in the same way with MCQL, the Mediachain query language that is very similar to SQL. See the README for more query examples.

Going public

See the instructions here to configure your NAT, register your node with the directory, and bring it online so anyone can interact with it.


If you published a new dataset after following this tutorial, reach out to us on Slack so we can merge it into the Museum Node with the rest of the museum data!

Open an issue if you have any questions or problems!