
Simple mesures of different js payloads generated from some clojurescript files and dependencies

Primary LanguageClojure

The weight of JS generated by the Clojurescript compiler

Here we do production builds on different clojurescript examples to get a feel for the kind of js payloads we'll end up with in real projects.


Clojurescript compilation takes advantage of the Google Closure compiler to build its generated JS. This allows for dead code elimination. Nevertheless, the optimized payload seems to be important in non-trivial cases.

An extreme example of that is the front-end of CircleCI. The project has 26317 lines of cljs and 277 lines of clj (macros). The optimized js file served to the browser weights 3.4M (1.02M gzipped). On the not so terrible internet connection of my parents it takes more than 3 seconds to download.

circleci production js request timing

Dependencies (only tested on linux!)

You will need to have boot and node (I needed Math.log for pretty printing file sizes... Would not want to implement that in bash!).


Produced with boot build and then scripts/report.sh

build JS GZIP
empty.js 5K 2K
using-core-async.js 105K 24K
using-clojure-spec.js 116K 26K
using-client-routing.js 157K 37K
one-rum-view.js 270K 72K
using-websockets.js 480K 116K
all-together.js 680K 175K