Headline Creation Tool and Rendering API

Headline Creation Tool

Based on the MEVN stack
Mongo Express VueJS Node

Local Setup/Development

Edit your environment variables in .env as needed.

To develop using this project you can run

$ npm run dev:serve & npm run dev:client

This will allow hot reloading of both changes to the server and changes to the client.

The server will require you to be running a local instance of MongoDB.

npm run static will build the client-side JavaScript and start the hot reloading of the server environment.

npm run dev:serve can also be used to just start the API if you are working on that prior to worrying about the client.


A more detailed breakdown of the scripts are as follows:

Command npm run Server Client
start Static Static (requires npm run build)
dev:serve Hot reload Static
dev:client None Hot Reload
build None Bundled by Webpack
static Hot reload Bundled by Webpack

Project Structure



--/controllers/-- Contains controllers for our API resources. --/database/ ----/models/-- Contains the models for our API Resources using Mongoose. --/middleware/-- Any middleware you may need can go here. --/routes/-- All route definitions are here. ----/api.js-- Routes for the API. ----/headlines.js-- Routes specific to the headline resource.


/views --/config/http.js-- Axios config for local request --/pages/-- Separate Component Pages go here. --/router/index.js-- Config for vue-router --/App.vue-- Component that has Nav-Drawer, Footer, and Toolbar wrapped around a router view of other components. --/main.js-- Registers the Vue components and Router --/index.html-- The file we return, has the Vue app in it.


  • Dependencies Via NPM
    • Axios For client side HTTP requests
    • cors For CORS during development
    • dotenv Loads our .env variables
    • vue Realtime data binding on the frontend
    • vuetify Material design for Vue
    • vue-router Router for the SPA

Existing Routes

All headline endpoints are behind the /api endpoint.


/headlines - returns a list of all headlines inside of an array called data. /headlines/:id - where :id is the id of a headline resource. The resource is then returned in JSON format.


/headlines - Creates a new headline resource based on the payload of the request.


/headlines/:id - Delete a headline resouce matching the :id specified.


/headlines - Update a headline based on the payload of the request