
Convolutional neural network and word embeddings for Chinese word segmentation

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Convolutional neural network for Chinese word segmentation (CWS). The corresponding paper: Convolutional Neural Network with Word Embeddings for Chinese Word Segmentation


Chunqi Wang


It is better to use a nvidia GPU to accelerate the training procedure.


Downlaod data.zip from here (Note that the SIGHAN datasets should only be used for research purposes). Extract data.zip to this directory. So the file tree would be:

|	data
|	|	datasets
|	|	|	sighan2005-pku
|	|	|	|	train.txt
|	|	|	|	dev.txt
|	|	|	|	test.txt
|	|	|	sighan2005-msr
|	|	|	|	train.txt
|	|	|	|	dev.txt
|	|	|	|	test.txt
|	|	embeddings
|	|	|	news_tensite.w2v200
|	|	|	news_tensite.pku.words.w2v50
|	|	|	news_tensite.msr.words.w2v50
|	tagger.py
|	train_cws.py
|	train_cws.sh
|	train_cws_wemb.sh
|	score.perl

How to use

First, give execute permission to scripts:

chmod +x train_cws.sh train_cws_wemb.sh

Train a preliminary model (CONV-SEG):


Train a model with word embeddings (WE-CONV-SEG):

./train_cws_wemb.sh WHICH_DATASET WHICH_GPU

We have two optional datasets: pku and msr. If you run the program in CPU environment, just leave the second argument empty.

For example, if you want to train the model CONV-SEG on the pku dataset and on gpu0, you should run:

./train_cws.sh pku 0

More arguments can be set in train.py.

Test Score

Model PKU(dev) PKU(test) MSR(dev) MSR(test)
CONV-SEG 96.8 95.7 97.2 97.3
WE-CONV-SEG 97.5 96.5 98.1 98.0