English Grammar

此文档是我根据 烧风的小站一篇博客 抄来的, 实事是: 我把整篇文章看完, 还记不住, 就想着顺便用 markdown 手写一份(我也新学了下 markdown 的语法), 加深记忆的. 感受得出作者是很用心整理的, 我很感谢他, 侵删.



句子是人类语言的核心构造, 动词是句子的核心. 所以学习英语语法需从句子开始.
学习语法 --> 分析句子
分析句子 --> 理清句子成分
分析句子 --> 理清句子关系


  • 主语: 句子所陈述的对象.

  • 谓语: 主语发出的动作. 一般是有动作意义的动词.

  • 宾语: 分为动词宾语和介词宾语, 属于动作的承受者.

  • 系动词: 表示状态或状态变化的动词, 没有实际的动作意义. 如:

    be 动词 (am, is, are);    
    感官系动词 (look, sound, smell, taste, feel);    
    保持类系动词 (keep, stay, remain);    
    状态变化类系动词 (become, get, turn, go)    
  • 表语: 紧跟系动词后的成份.

  • 定语: 修饰名词或代词的成份.

  • 状语: 修饰形容词 / 副词 / 动词 或句子的成分.

  • 补语: 分为宾语补足语和主语补足语. 是对宾语和主语的补充说明, 与其有主动或被动的逻辑关系.


名子的基本结构: 主语 + 谓语(名词 + 动词)


模式 例句 分析
主系表 I am a student I 主语, am 系动词, a student 表语
主谓 I am studying I 主语, am studying 谓语
主谓宾 I study English I 主语, study 谓语, English 宾语
主谓间宾直宾 Our teacher taught us English Our teacher 主语, taught 谓语, us 间宾, English 直宾
主谓宾宾补 I learn English well I 主语, Learn 谓语, English 宾语, well 宾补

关键在于谓语动词, 它构成了一个句子的骨架

  • 主语 + 系动词 + 主语补足语(表语)

    系动词(Linking Verg)   
    作用: 无具体运作, 仅起连接作用   
    后面所接成分: 说明主语特点性质特征    
    种类: be 动词(am, is, are), look, sound, smell, tast, feel, seem, appear, become, turn. 
    表语: 名词 or 形容词
  • 主语 + 谓语 (+ 状语)

    不及物动词(Intransitive Verb) vi.   
    特点: 主语自身可完成, 不需要作用对象   
    习惯: 带状语(修饰动作的句子成分)
  • 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语

    及对动词(Transitive Verb)vt.  
    作用: 说明主语动作的作用对象.  
    宾语: 主语动作承受对象  
  • 主语 + 谓语 + 间宾 + 直宾

    双宾动词(Dative Verb)
    特点: 后面成分有人(间接宾语[接受者]), 又有物(直接宾语[承受者])
  • 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语

      宾补动词(Factitive Verb)


在间接宾语后加上 be 动词, 若能成句, 则是补足语

动词种类 句型
Linking verb(连系动词) 主 + 系 + 表
Intransitive Verb(不及物动词) 主 + 谓
Transitive Verb(及物动词) 主 + 谓 + 宾
Transitive Verb with direct object and indirect object 主 + 谓 +间宾 +直宾
Transitive Verb with direct object and object complement 主 + 谓 + 宾 +宾补



词义: 完整    
作用: 能独立充当谓语    
分类: 助动词和情态动词以外的动词


词义: 不完整    
作用: 无法独立充当谓语    
必须与实义动词连用, 构成各种时态, 语态, 语气, 否定, 疑问   
   * Be: am, is, are, was, were, been, being    
   * Do: does, did   
   * Have: has, had, having  
  • Be 类

    变化形式: am, is, are, was, were, been, being    
        1. 帮助构成进行时态   
            I am studying grammar.   
            He is playing football.
        2. 帮助构成被动语态  
            I was cheated.
  • Do 类

      变化形式: does, did    
        1. 帮助实义动词构成否定    
          I do not like English.
        2. 帮助实义动词构成疑问  
          Do you like English.
  • Have 类

        变化形式: has, had, having   
        功能: 帮助构成完成时态    
            I have studied English for 3 years.
  • be, do, have 可作实义动词又可作助动词

分类 例句 词义 词性及作用
be I am a student "是" 系动词, 作谓语
- I am studying grammar 无词义 助动词, 构成进行时
have I have two brothers "有" 实义动词, 作谓语
- I have studied English for 3 years 无词义 助动词帮助构成完成时
do I often do my homework at home "做" 实义动词, 作谓语
- I do not link English 无词义 助动词, 构成否定


  词义: 有词义, 表示说话者对某种行为或状态的看法或态度  
  无法独立充当谓语, 必须和实义动词一起构成复合谓语  
  常见: can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would, have to, ought to, used to, need, dare  




变形: 助动词或情态动词后 + not   
    He is a teacher. -> He is not a teacher.  
    I can swim. -> I cannot swim.
    He will come to the party. -> He will not come to the party.


  变形: 借助助动词的 do not 来构成, 第三人称用 does + not + 动词原型, 过去式 did + not  
    I like English. -> I do not like English.  
    He like English. -> He does not like English.  
    There are some dogs. -> There aren't any dogs.  


原型 否定 缩写
I am Am not
We / You / They are Are not Aren't
She / He / It is Is not Isn't
I / He / she / It was Was not Wasn't
We / You / They were Were not Weren't
I / You / We / They do Do not Don't
He / She / It does Does not Doesn't
Did Did not Didn't
I / You / We / They have Have not Haven't
He / She / It has has not Hasn'
had had not Hadn't


原型 否定 缩写
Will Will not Won't
Would Would not wouldn't
Shall Shall not Shan't
Should Should not shouldn't
Can cannot Can't
Could Could not Couldn't
May May not
Might Might not Mightn't
Must Must not mustn't


  and -> or  
  already -> yet  
  both -> either  
  some -> any  


    祈使句前 + don't, 
      Don't open the door.  


    不定式前 + not, 
      She asks the boy not to play in the street.



  变形: 助动词或情态动词移到句首   
    He is a teacher. -> Is he a teacher? Yes, he is. / No, he isn't.


  变形: 加 do / does / did 于句首, 实义动词变原型   
    He like English. -> Does he link English? Yes, he does / No, he doesn't.  
    I like English. -> Do you like English? Yes I do / No, I don't.



  • 对人提问: who

    He can sing In Englih. -> Who can sing in English?  
    I saw him at the party last night. -> Who did you see at the party last night?
  • 对事或对物 what

    I link English. What do you like?  
    I am studying English grammar. What are you doing?  
    I am studying English grammer. What are you studying?  
    I'd like to go swimming tomorrow. What would you like to do tomorrow?  
  • 对时间提问: when

    I was born in 1980. When were you born?  
  • 对地点提问: where

    He lives in Beijing. Where does he live?
  • 对方式提问: how

    He go to school by bus. How does he you to school?
  • 对原因提问: why

    I often study at the library because it's quiet. Why do you often study at the library?


  • Which:

    Could you lend me your pen?  
    Sure, I have two pens. This pen has black ink. That pen has red ink.   
    Which pen / Whic one / Which do you want?   
    That red one. Thanks.   
    Which 也可不接名词, 这时 which 用作代词.
  • Whose:

    This is his book. Whose book is this?  
    I borrowed Jack's car last nigh. Whose cae did you borrow last night?
  • How 用法详解

    单独使用: 对动作方式的提问.   
        How do you go to work?  
        I drive / By car / I take a taxi / I take bus / By bus.
        How did he break hes leg?   
        He fell off the ladder.  
    和形容词 or 副词连用
        How old are you ?   
        How tall is he?  
        How big is you new house?  
        How far is it from you home to school?   
        How well does he speak English?   
        How quickly can you get there?
    对频率疑问: how often / how many times?
        I write to my parents once a month. How often do you write to your parents?  
        I go shopping twice a week. How often do you shopping? / How many times a week do you go shopping?
        (Every / once a / Twice a / Three times a ) / (day  / week / month / year)




The present simple tense is used to express a general truth or fact, or an action that occurs or habitually. Generally, the present simple tense verb conveys a sense of permanence.

  • Truth or fact

      The sun rises in the ease and sets in the west.  
      The earth moves around the sun.  
  • An action that occurs regularly or habitually

      I often spend two hours reading English in the morning.  
      Classes begin at nine in the morning.
  1. 事实

     The world is round.
  2. 经常性, 习惯性动作或状态

     He doesn't work hard.  
     常连用频率副词(助动词后, 实义动词前)  
     always, frequently, usually, sometimes, generally, occasionaly, often, never, seldom, rarely
  3. 以 there 或 here 开头句子中, 表正在发年在短暂动作

     Here comes your wife = Your wife is coming.  
     There goes our bus, we'll have to wait for the next one.
  4. 条件状语(if / unless), 时间状语(when / as soon as / before / after)从句中, 表示将来动作

     Please let me know when he comes back.  
     What are you going to do when you leave school?  
     I'll glad if she comes over to visit me.


The past simple tense is use to express a completed action which took place eat a specified in the past. The specified time is either or implied.

  • A comleted action

      I saw him in the library yesterday morning.  
      I began to learn English ten years ago.  
  • A past action that occurred regularly or habitually

      I slept for eight hours last night.  
      She lived in our town for three years, but now she is living in Beijing.
  1. 过去动作或状态

     He was late for school this morning.  
     I bought this computer three years ago.
  2. 过去一段时间一直持续或反复发生的动作

     I lived in the country for ten years.  
     He used to do morning excercises.  
     He took a walk after supper when was a alive.


The future simple tense is used to express an action that will occur at some time in the future.

  • Will or Be Going To can be used to express sort of certainty.

      According to the weather report, it will be windy tomorrow. 说话人认为将要发生.   
      According to the weather report, it is going to be windy tomorrow. 根据明显迹象判断  
  • Be Going To is used to express a definite plan.

      I have bought a computer and I'm going to learn the computer science.  
  • Will is used to express a willingness.

      The telephone is ringing, I will answer it.
      will (说话时做出的决定)  
      be going to (对话前出的决定)


助动词 + 进行分词 be + doing
该时刻(具体时间, 另外一个具体活动的背景下), 活动正在进行

  1. 说话此刻正在进行

     What program are you watching?  
     He is not available now. He is talking on another phone.
  2. 现阶段正在持续的动作

     What are you doing this days?   
     I am learning the usage of verb tenses.
  3. 最近的将来已定的安排(计划 安排做)

     What are you doing on Saturday night?  
     I'm going some shopping with jane. I am taking a makeup test tomorrow.
  4. 与 always / forever / continually / constantly 等连用, 表示抱怨 , 厌烦

     Jack is always borrowing money and forgetting to pay you back.  
     He's continually asking me for money.
1. 进去特定时刻发生的事情
    I was discussing my thesis with my director at this time last night.  
    What are you doing at 10 o'clock last night? I was having dinner with my friends.

2. 过去进行时(背景) + 一般过去时(背景下发生的短暂动作或状态)
    The phone rang while I was having my bath, as usual.  
    I was watching TV when the phone rang.
  1. 将来某一特定时刻活动正在进行

     I'll be lying on a beach in Santa this time tomorrow.   
     Don't telephone after eight tomorrow. I'll be having a meeting.



    These red roses are for you.  
    I have three close friend.  
    I really need a new computer.
  1. 功能 可作: 主语 宾语(介词不能单独使用, 后面所接宾语) 表语

  2. 修饰语 限定词: 泛指,
    不定量(these, three, a, the, my, that),
    冠词(a, an, the),
    形容词: red, close, new, best, small

  3. 位置
    限定词在形容词前: 限定词 + 形容词 + 名词, 如: three red roses.


  • 专有名词:

    Paris, the united states, Bill gates  
  • 普通名词

    * 可数名词
          个体名词: student, tree, hospital, house, piano   
          集体名词: team, committee, police, group, family
    * 不可数名词
          物质名词: paper, water, cotton, air  
          抽象名词: birth happiness, evolution, technology, hope
  • 简单名词:

    story, student, teacher.  
  • 复合名词:

    girlfriend roommate, mother-in-law
例如 paper  
    I need some paper to write a letter. (纸 不可数)  
    I have a term paper to write on weekend. (论文 可数)  
    I bought a paper. (报纸 可数)  
    room (空间 不可数; 房间 可数)
可数名词: 前面可以 + a / an / 数词(two)   
不可数名词: 不可 + a / an / 数词(two)
  1. 物质名词不可数

     beer, blood, coffee, cream, gasoline, honey, juice, milk, oil, tea, water, wine  
     bread, butter, cheese, ice, ice-cream, meat, beef, chicken, fish, chalk, copper, cotton, glass, gold, iron  
     air, fog, oxygen, smoke.
  2. 抽象名词

     advice, anger, beauty, confidence, fun, happiness, health, honesty, information, love, lunch, peace
  3. 总称名词不可数

     furniture, fruit, jewelry, luggage, equipment, poetry, machinery 
  1. piece

     advice, bread, baggage, chalk, equipment, furniture, information jewelry, luggage, music, new.
  2. bottle / cup / drop / glass

     beer, blood, coffee, milk, tea, water, wine
  3. otherwise

     a lot of bread,
     a tube of toothpaste,
     a pack of cigarette,
     a slice of meat
  1. 单数名词后 + 's

  2. 复数名词后 + s' or 复数型名词后 + 's

     Her friends' money   
     the childrens' Day
  3. 复合名词后 + 's

     My father-in-law's company  
     Everyone else's viewpoints  
     Henry the Eighth's Wives   
     The President of America's cecretary
  4. and 连接的并列名词: 共有情况: 最后 + 's; 各自所有情况: 每个名词后 + 's

  5. 重量, 度量, 价值

     two pounds' weight,
     a tons' weight, 
     a tons' steel,
     two dollars's worth of sugar
  6. 省略

     * 前方已出现, 避免重复
         This bike is mine, not Michael's
     * 表示店铺或教堂(要加 the)
         at the baker's,
         at the butcher's,
         at the chemist's,
         at the doctor's
     * 人名后面的所有格省去名词表示住宅
         go to my sister's,
         I called at my uncle's yesterday.
  7. of 所有格的其他关系

     * 主谓关系
         the visitor's departure,
         the teacher's request,  
         the growth of agriculture
     * 动宾关系
         the children's education,
         the boy's punishment,
         the discussion of the plan



作用: 主语或从句中做主语

    She is my daughter.  
    It was he who helped me when I was in trouble.  
    顺序: you, he, I; we, you, they(I 总是放在最后)


one: 任何人, 包括说话人
    one is knocking at the door. :x: (错误, 句子中 One 逻辑上不会包含说话人, 不符合 one 的规则)  
    Somebody is knocking at the door.  
    One 后面使用的代词, 美国一般用 he, him, himself, his.   

We / You / They 可以表示泛指: 人们.  
    hey say = People say or It is say  
    They say it is going to be a cold winter.  


    表示 country, motherland, moon, earth, ship  
    The ship lost most of her rigging in the storm.  


作用: 做宾语, 也可做表语

    I like her.  
    Whh is it? It's me.  

注意: 做表语时, 后面跟定语从句是, 需要用主格人称代词.  
    It was `he` in whom we had the greatest faith. (he 在从句中做介词宾语)  


    `We teachers` should be patient with students.  
    Our teachers are all nice to `us students`.  


直接宾语前: He bought me a pen as birthday gift.   
直接宾语后: He boutht a pen for me as a birthday gift; I've lent much money to him.  

若直接宾语是人称代词, 只能置后, 但是不适用于不定代词:  
    I will give it to you.  
    I'll show you something; I didn't give Rex any.  

在短语动词中间: hand them in; throw it away; pick it up.  
若是名词, 则中间和后边都可以: hand your papers in = hand in your papers.


作用: 人称代词的所有格式, 表所有关系


不能单独使用: Your book is over there; His sister is lovely.  
表强调时 + own: I wish I had my own house.  


单独使用; 避免重复: This is not my book, Mine(= my book) is in my bag.   
of + 名词性物主代词: a friend fo mine; a teacher of hers = a teacher of her own.


必须主语宾语为同一人时, 做宾语: God helps those who help themselves.


`He himself` went to visit the old lady. (他亲自去看望那个老太太的)  

    He went to visti the old layd himself.  
    He spoke to the boss himself.(有歧义)  

强调宾语: 反身代词在宾语后

He saw Tom himself. (他看到 Tom 本人)  
I will send this gift to John himself. (给 John 本人, 不是通过转交)  

介词 + 反身代词

by oneself: 独自一人地   
    I went there by myself. (我自己一个人去了那里)   
    I went there myself. (我亲自去了那里)

of oneself: 自动地  
    The door open `of` itself. (门自动地开了)


特点: 不能单独使用, 后面需带宾语(名词, 代词, 数词, 动名词, 动名词短语, 名词从句)
搭配: 在介词前的词: 动词(depend on) 名称(pay attention to) 形容词(be kind to)
充当: 与其宾语构成介词短语后, 可充当主语, 补足语, 定语, 状语
作用: 词与词之间的表示关系



at, by, for, from, in, near, of, off, on  


    inside, into, onto, out of, outside, throughout, upon, within, without   
    as to, from above, from behind, from beneath, from under, until after


at the cost of,  
at the mercy of,  
at odds with,  
by means of,  
by reason of,  
by virtue of,  
by way of,  
in place of,  
in favor of,  
in spite of,  
with an eye to.  

关于: in / with reference to, in / with respect to, in / with regard to


at, in , on

at (时间点)

    at nine after ten  

    at night, at dawn, at midnigth, at that time, at the moment, at Christmas  

    at the age of eight / at eight  
    He got married at twenty

in (时间段)

    in the morning / afternoon / evening  
    in spring / summer / autumn / winter   
    in the past, in the past ten years  
    in the twenty-first century  
    a man in his thirties

在时间之内 / 后, 表将来时  
    He said he would come back in a month.  
    The train is leaving in a minute  

in + 动名词: 在做...过程中  
    In crossing the river, we caught some fish.  
    In working, we can learn a lot.

几月: in October

on (表示具体日期)

    On monday, On my birthday

    On the night of December 31, 1999.  
    On the eve of Christmas / New Year.  
    On a hot midnight in July.  

    On his first day to school.  
    On the tenth day I was in Beijing.  

on + 动名词 or 名词 = as soon as: 一...就...  
    On hearing the bad news, she burst into tears.  
    On arriving, I came directly to see you.  
    The fist thing I did on arrival of Beijing was visit him.


    和 to 或 till / until 连用
        Most people work from nine to five.


和时间点连用, 从那一刻起. 现在完成时, 过去完成时连用
    He has been here since last Sunday.  
    I haven't seen him since two years ago.  
    I haven't seen him for two years.    
    It's two years since I last saw him.


和时间段连用, 表示动作延续到说话的那一刻. 现在完成时, 过去完成时连用.
    I have lived here for a year.  
    I have lived here since this time last year.


a. no later than: 不迟于某个时间, 到了某个时间
    by the end of next year

b. by 引导时间状语常与将来完成时 or 过去完成时连用
    By the end of next year I'll have learned 2000 words.  
    By the end of last year I had learned 2000 words.


at the beginning of 在...的开头

At the beginning of the book there is often a table of contents.  
At the beginning of the content.  
At the beginning of January.

in the beginning at first = in the early stages

In the beginning, I wrote to my family regularly. Later I just gave up.

at the end of

But at the end of this process, unfortunately, the students are none the wiser.   
At the end of a book there maybe an index.   
At the end of jaunary.

in the end eventually = at last: 最终

Jim couldn't decide where to go for his holiday. He didn't go anywhere in the end.   

有 last / next / this / every 不再加介词    
I'll see your next Friday.

during for

during 在...期间内, 强调这时间内发生了什么 for 表示延续时间的长短  
    I had lived in the countryside for 8 years before I moved to Beijing.  
    I studied in this university for 4 years. During that time most of my time was spent in learning English.  
    My father was in hospital for six weeks during the summer.  

during 接表示一段时间的名词: stay, visit, travel  
    During my visit to China.   
    During the travel to the south.  
    During the middle ages   

* for + 时间段

for six years,  
for two months,  
for ever,  
for two hours  


at, in

at (小地方)

at home,  
at the office,   
at school,  
at the bridge,  
at the crossroads,  
at the bus-stop,  
at the doctor,  
at the hairdresser. 

in (大地方)

in the country,  
in a town,  
in the street,  
in the forest,  
in the field,  
in a desert


in a line / in a row / in a queue  
in a photo / in a picture  
in a mirror  
in the sky / in the world  
in the book / in a newspaper / in a magazine / in a letter  
in the front / back row (at the front / back)  
in the front / back of the car   
at the front / back of the building / cinema / classroom  


at 表示事情发生的场合

I met him at the cinama last night.  

in 表示建议物本身

I enjoyed the film but it was very cold in the cinema.  

in 强调建筑时, at 包括建筑物周围及里面

at the restaurant (可以表示餐馆内, 也可以是在餐馆附近的某个地方)  
in the restaurant (在餐馆内)  
at the cinema (在电影院, 不一定在里面)  
in the cinema (在电影院里面)  
There were a lot of people in the shop, It was very crowed.   
Go along this road, then turn left at the shop.  

on, over, above

on 表示两者接触

Put away the books on the desk.  
The dictionary on the table is not mine.  
There is some water in the bottle.   
There is a label on the bottle.  
There is sombebody at the door. Shall I go and see who it is?   
There is a notice on the door. It says "Do not disturb".  

on 的其他情况

on the left / on the right  
on the first / second floor  
on a map  
on the page / on page seven (at the top / bottom of the page)  
on the menu  
on the list
on a farm  
on the way to school  
on the corner of street, in the corner of the room  

over 不仅接触, 还有覆盖的含义

Spread the cloth over the table.  
Mon put a rug over me when I was asleep.  

over 还可以表示正上方

There is a bridge over the river.  
There is a lamp over the desk.

above 仅表示上下关系, 不接触, 也不是正上方

The sun rose above the horizon.  
There is a bridge above the river.  
He is `over me` (He is my immediate superior)  
He is `above me`  

below, under, beneath

under 在下方可接触, 可不接触

I put the money under the mattess (床垫).  
The dog is groveling under the table.   

below 表示两个表面之前的间隔距离

They live below us.  

beneath 可以替换 under, 但是偏向抽象含义

He would think it beneath him to tell a lie.
She married beneath her.



send something by post
do something by hand
pay by check / by credit card (pay in cash)
某事发生: by mistake / by accident / by chance (on purpost)


by car, by train, by plane / air, by boat / sea / ship, by bus   
by bicycle / bike, by metro / subway / underground (on foot)  
by car (in a car, in my car, in the car)  
I don't mind going by car but I don't want to go in your car.   

car, taxi 前用介词 in

They didn't come in their car. They came in a taxi.

自行车和公共交通设施前用 on

on the train / by train, on his bicycle / by bicycle  

表示通过某种手段达到预期效果 (与 with 连用)

We succeeded by cooperating with them.   
Our mission is to help our clients achieve their business goals by providing a service for the timely delivery of qualified staff to support their operational needs.  


I killed a fly with a fly-flap(苍蝇拍).  
We can see with our eyes and write with our hands.  


write in pencil / in ink  
Expresss this in your own words  
Speak in a low voice   
Pay in installments (分期付款)  


与 by 相近, through 一般多跟名词连用, by 多跟动名词连用  
they talked to each other through an interpreter.  



直接句首做主语, 谓语动词用单数.

a. Seeing is believing.  
b. Rading is like permitting a man to talk a long time, and refusing you the right to answer.  
c. Having a successful marrige takes effort and patience, and communication is the key.  

It is no good doing sth 句型

it 形式主语, 真正主语是 doing sth  
no 可以替换为: any / some good, any / some / no use, a waste of time.  

a. is it any good trying to explain?  
b. It's not much use my buying salmon if you don't like fihs.  
c. It's simply a waste of time and money seeing that movie.

there be 句型

1. There is no point (in) doing something 做某事没有意义.  
    a. There is no point in my going out to date someone, I might really like if I met him a the time, but who, right now, has no chance of being anything to me but a transitional man.

2. There is no use / good (in) doing something   
    a. There is no use your arguing with him.  
    b. There is no use your complaining to me about this.

3. there is no doing something = it's impossible to do something = we can't do something.  
    a. there is no gainsaying / denying the fact that... 毋庸置疑
    b. there is no telling what will happen tomorrow.
    c. there's no knowing the future = it's impossible to know the furture = we can't know it.


appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, dislike, enjoy, escape, feel like, finish, can't help, involve, overlook, permit, postpone, prectice, risk, can't stand, suggest, torelate, understand.

a. I will overlook your being so rude to my sister this time but don't let is happen again.  
b. Many of the things we do involve taking some risk in order to achieve a satisfactory result.  
c. Being a bad-tempered man, he would not tolerate having this lectures interrupted.


很多动词接动名词和不定式均可, 但是意思有很大差别.

demand, deserve, need, require, want

动名词: 主动形式表被动   
不定式: 必须用被动形式   
    a. The garden need watering / to be watered. 不说 The garden needs being watered.   
    b. Your hair need cutting / to be cutt.  

remember, forget, stop, go on, regret

动名词: 表示发生于这些动词之前  
不定式: 表示发生在这些动词之后  


remember doing sth: remember / recall something that happened in the past. 记得已做过某事.

a. I still remember being taken to Beijing for the first time.  
b. I don't remember / recall locking my suitcase. = as for as I know, my suitcase should be open.  

remember to do sth: remember to perform a responsibility, duty or task. 记得需要履行的责任或任务.

a. Remember to go to the post office, won't you?  
b. Remember to do some shoping after work.  
c. Clint always remember to turn off the ligths when he leaves the room.   


forget doing sth: forget something that happen in the past. 忘记了已做过的某事.

I forgot locking the door, So when I came back, I found the door locked.  as far as I know, the door should be open.

forget to do sth: forget to perform a responsibility, duty or task. 忘记要做某事

As well as getting on everybody's nerves, He's got a habit of borrowing money and forgotting to pay it back.


stop doing: 停下经常做的或手头正在做的事情

I really must stop smoking.   

stop to do: 停下来去做某事.

stop to have a rest.  

go on
go on doing sth: 继续做一直在做的事情.

a. The teacher went on explaining the text.  
b. Peter went on sleeping depite the noise.   

go on to do sth: 改做另一件事

a. He welcomed the new students and then went on to explain the college regulations.   
b. Finishing the new words, the teacher went on to attack the text.   

regret doing sth: regret something that happened in the past 对已发生的事情感觉遗憾

a. I don't regret telling her what I thought, even if it upset her.  
b. I regret letting slip that oppotunity.  
c. I regret lending him so much money, He never paid me back.   
d. Now he regrets not having gone to the uniersity.

regret to do sth: regret to say, to tell someone, or to inform someone of some bad news. 遗憾地告诉或通知某人某个坏消息.

a. We regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you employment.  
b. I regret to tell you that you failed the test.  
c. We regret to inform you that the flight has been canceled.  


  • have dificulty (in) doing sth
    ------- trouble
    ------- problem
    ------- a lot of fun
    ------- (lots of) pleasure
    ------- a hard time
    ------- a good time
    ------- a dificult time

    注意: take the trouble to do sth, trouble to do sth, have (no) time to do sth.

      a. I worked so late in the office last night that I hardly had time to catch the last bus.  
      b. I have a hard time getting use to living in a big place.  
  • can't help doing, can't resist doing, can't keep from doing, can't hold back from doing, can't keep back from doing
    注意: can't help but do, can't but do, can't choose but do, etc.

      No one can help liking Tom; he is such a cute boy.  
  • be worth doing 值得做; 主动形式表被动
    be worthy of being done 或 be worthy to be done.

      a. The book is worth reading.  
      b. The book is worthy of being read.  
      c. The is worthy to be read.  


物主代词 (his, my, your等) 所有格名词 (Mary's, Tom's) 与动名词连用, 即构成动名词的符合结构. 用来引出动名词的逻辑主语, 以区别于句子主语.

Clint insisted on reading the letter. (Clint 看了信)  
Clint insisted on my reading the letter. (我不得不看信)  
Would you mind telling us the whole story? (你告诉)   
Would you mind Tom's telling us the whole story? = Would you mind if Tom tells us the story?  
He dislike working late.  
He dislike my working late.  
I object to making private call on this phone.  
I object to his making private call on this phone.  



a. Tom's coming home a last was a greate consolation. (做主语)  
b. Do you mind my making a suggestion? (对及物动词宾语)  
c. Our discussion of earthquakes would be incomplete if we didn't raise the possibility of their being caused by external forces.   

物主代词 (his) 可以改为宾格代词 (him) or 所有格名词 (Tom's) 改成普通格名词 (Tom)

a. It's no use Tom arguing with his boss.  
b. Do you mind me making a suggestion?  
c. I am annoyed about John forgetting to pay.  


1. 若动名词复合结构在句中做主语, 最好用所有格形式.  
    a. Tom's refusing to accept the invitation upset me.  
    b. His refusing to accept the invitation upset me.  
    c. It was a geate consolation his comeing home at last.  

2. 动名词复合结构在句中做宾语时候, 用普通枚和所有格均可   
    a. Do you mine me making a suggestion?  
    b. I am annoyed about John forgetting to pay.  



It + to do sth 句型

  1. It + to do sth 句型; it 做形式主语

     a. it is easier to spend money than to make money.  
     b. It take time to study English well.  
     形式主语 it 不能用 this 或 that 替换  
         This is impossible for people to stare directly at the sun. 应该用 it.  
  2. 不定式置于句首做主语, 谓语动词要用单数.

     a. To err is human; to forgive, divine.  
     b. To solve this problem takes a genius like Einstein.  
     c. To love for the sake of being love is human, but to love fo the sake of loving is angelic.  


动词 + to do

  1. 直接跟在一个及物动词后面做宾语

     特点一: 句子的主语和不定式的逻辑主语是一致的, 动作都是由主语发出.  
     特点二: 这时句子谓语动词多是描写态度; 不定式动作则说明行为.  
         a. I hope to see you again.  
         b. Tihs company refused to cooperate with us.  
         c. He promise not to tell anyone about it.  


         agree, appear, beg, begin, dare, decide, expect, fail, forget, happen, hate, hesitate, hope, like, love, manage, prefer, prepare, pretend, promise, propose, refuse, regret, remember, seem, swear, try, want, wish
  2. 连接词引导宾语从句的简略形式: 动词 + 连接代词 or 连接副词 or 连词 whether + to do

     a. I wonder who to invite. = Who I should invite.   
     b. Show us what to do. = What we must do.  
     c. I don't know whether to answer his letter = whether I should answer.   


     ask, consider, decide, discover, explain, forget, find out, guess, imagine, know, learn, observe, remember, see, tell, teach, think, understand, wonder   


动词 + sb to do sth

  1. 通常结构: 动词 + sb to do sth

     a. They don't allow people to somke in the theater.  
     b. Teh chairman declared the meeting to be over.  
     c. Allow me to drink to your success.  
     d. Allow me to propose a toast to our friendship.  
     e. My mother wishes me to return to China.  
     advise, allow, ask beg, cause, encourage, expect, forbid, force, get, help, like, order, permit, persuade, remind, teach, tell, want, warn, wish (hope 不可)  
  2. 在 let, make, have, see, hear, feel, watch, notice, listen to 等动词后面, 不定式宾语补充语 to 要省略, 改为被动语态, 则必须带 to (详见 "不带 to 的不定式")


名词 + to do sth

  1. 动宾关系

     a. She has four children to take care of.  
     b. I have no place to live in.  
     c. You just regard me as a thing, an object to look at, to use, to touch, but not to lesten to or to take care seriously.  
     d. I gave the kid a comic to read.  
     e. He need a place to live in.  
     f. I have no partner to speak English with.   
     g. I need a pen to write with.  
     h. I need a piece of paper to write on.  


  1. 不定式一般不用被动形式

  2. 不定式动词后面不能再加宾语.

     a. I gave the kid a comic to read it.:x:   
     b. I need something to eat it.:x:   
  3. 不定式动词后介词不能省略

     a. I have no partner to speak Englisth.:x:    
     b. I need a pen to write.:x:
  4. 被 only, last, next, 序数词, 最高级修饰的动名词通常用不定式做定语.

     a. I don't think he is the best man to do the job.  
     b. The next train to arrive is from New York.  
     c. Clint is the second person to fall into the trap.  
     d. Clink is the only persion to survive the air crash.  



to begin with,  
to tell the truth,  
to make a long story short,  
so to speak,  
to be brief / exact / frank / honest,  
to say nothing of (姑且不说),  
to say the least (至少可以这么说)  

a. To begin with, on behalf of (代表) all of your American guests, I wish to thank you for the imcomparable hospitality.  
b. I have a point there, to say the least.  
c. To make a long story short, he is in the hospital now.  


做目的状态 or 结果状语

  • 做目的状语

      a. hating people is like burning down your own housr to get rid of a rat.  
      b. To avoid critisism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.  
      c. To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe.  
      d. We had better start early to catch the train.  
      e. I went to the post office to mail a letter.  

    可以用 in order to do 或 so as to do 强调目的状语.

      a. We had better to start early so as to catch the train.  
      b. I went to the post office in order to mail the letter.  
      c. I quote others in order to better express my own self.  
      d. The teacher raise her voice in order for us to hear more clearly.
      注意: so as to 不放在句首; to do 和 in order to 可以放句首.
  • 做结果状语

  1. 直接做结果状语

     a. He lived to be a hundred years.  
     b. What have I done to offen you?  
     c. He lived to see second world war. = He lived until he saw world war II  
  2. never to do 表结果

     a. John left his hometown ten years age, never to return.  
     b. We parted never to see each other.  
  3. only to do 引出意想不到或不愉快的结果

     a. We hurried to the railway station, only to find the train had just left.  
     b. All to often, women compain that they're educated as equals, only to go out into the workforce to be treated as inferiors.  
     c. He worked very hard, only to find he had not finished half of the job.  
  4. enough to

     a. He is not old enough to go to school.  
     b. The teacher speaks loudly enough to make himself heared clearly.  
  5. too...to 结构: 太...而不能

     a. The box is to heavy for me to even move.  
     b. The tea is too hot to drink.



brave, careful, careless, clever, confiderate, cruel, foolish, generous, kind, modest, nice, polite, rude, selfish, silly, stupid, thoughful.

a. He was surprised to learn how much he had spent.  
b. The boy was careless to break the window.  


 a. She is interesting to listen to. = It is interesting to listen to her.  
b. Relativity theory isn't easy to understand. = It isn't easy to understand relativity theory.  
c. She is very nice to talk to. = It is very nice to talk to her.  
d. Mary is easy to get on with = It is easy to get on with Mary.  
e. English is difficult to speak.  
f. Football is very interesting to watch.  
g. Barbara is interesting to listen to because she read a lot.    


  1. 不定式动词不用被动式 (最容易出错)

     a. English is difficult to be spoken.:x:  
     b. Football is interesting to be watch.:x:  
  2. 不定式后不加宾语

     a. Football is very interesting to watch it.:x:     
     b. She is nice to talk to her.:x:  
  3. 不定式动词所带介词不能省略

     a. She is interesting to listen.:x:   
     b. She is very easy to get on.:x:  
It's impossible for fish to live without water.  
It's necessary for students to do more exercise in learning English.  
The boy was made to sing the song once again.  
He couldn't help to bursting into tears after he heard the news.  
She could not but admit that they were justified in this.  
They fordade him go go to the park.  
The first explorer to reach California by land was Strong Smith, a trapper who crossed the southwestern desert of theh United States in 1826.  
He was the first arrive and the last to leave.  
The teachers don't knkow what it takes to start and run a school.  

不带 to 的不定式

动词和复合宾语 to 省去

  1. 感觉动词:

     see, hear, watch, notice, feel, observe 
  2. 使役动词: let make, have

     a. The teacher has us write a composition every week.  
     b. I saw a man enter the shop. 

    但为被动结构时, 后面需要 + to

     a. A man was seen to enter the shop.  

    一些短语中 to 省略.

     had better,   
     would rather,  
     would sooner,  
     would just a soon,  
     might (just) as well,  
     cannot but,  
     can choose but,  
     cannot help but  
     a. I cannot but admire his courage.  
     b. We might as well put up here for tonight.  
     c. I couldn't help but fall in love with you.  

do nothing / anything / everything but to do 省略

a. I have nothing to do but wait.  
b. I have no choice but to wait. (but 前没有 do, 则不定式 + to)  
c. He need nothing but to succeed.  
d. He will do anything but give in.  

在解释 do 的精确含义的名词从句和定语从句做主语的句子中, be 动词后直接 + do.

e. All that I could do then was wait.  
f. All you do now is complete this form.  
h. No mountains to high for you to climb. All you have to do is have some climing faith. No rivers to wide for you to make it across. All you have to do is believe it when you pray.


构成: be + 过去分词
不同时态的被动语态 be 变化.

is, is being, has been, was, was being, had been, will be, will have been.  

不用 by 的情况

  1. 实施者明显

     a. The rubbish hasn't been collected.  
     b. Your hand will be X-rayed.  
     c. The streets are swept every day. 
  2. 实施者未知或没必要提及

     a. The president has been murder.  
     b. My car has been moved.  
     c. Rice is grown in many countries.  
     d. The library was built in 1890.  
  3. 泛指人们

     acknowledge, assume, believe, claim, consider, estimate, feel, find, know, presume, report, say, think.  
     People believe him to be honest.  
     He is believe to be honest.
  4. 主语从句是 one, you, they 通常用被动语态

     One / You see this kind of advertisement everywhere.  
     This kind of advertisement is seen everywhere.  
     They are building a new public library in our town.  
     A new public library is being built in our town.  
  5. 避免改换主语 (可以接 by 短语)

     When he arrived home, a detective arrested him.  
     When he arrived home, he was arrested.


He came here last night.  
He looks fine.  

双宾语可以有两种被动语态 (人做主语更常见)

Someone give me a gift.
I was given a gift.

Someone gave a gift to me.  
A gift was given to me.  


句子 分析
I locked the door two minutes ago.
The door was locked by me two minutes ago.
这里的 was locked 强调动作
Now the door is locked. 这里的 is locked 只是强调动作, 起着形容词的作用
Clint broke the window last night.  
The window was broken last night.  
Now the window is broken. 

常见: interested, excited, satisfied. married, disappointed, scared, frightened, worried, lost.

a. I am interested in grammar.  
b. I am satisfied with Clint's grammar course.  
c. She is married to her teacher.  
d. The table is made of wood.  
e. Are you scared of snake?  

get 与被动语态 (get 与过去分词连用)

  1. 可以构成被动语态

     a. My watch got broken while I was playing with the children.  
     b. He got caught by the police because he exceeded the limit.  
  2. 可以接静态的被动形式, 表示主语的状态

     a. I stopped working because I got tired.  
     b. I got worried because he was two hours late.   
     c. She is getting dressed to the party and has trouble deciding what clothes to wear.  

have sth done 或者 get sth done

  1. 安排别人把事情做好 (主要用法)

     a. Are you going to repair the car yourself?  
     b. No, I am going to have it repaired.  
     c. I want to have / get my items repaired. (My items need repairing.)  
     d. I must get my hair cut. = I want someone to cut my hair.  
     e. You should have / get your bike repaired.  
     f. If you don't get out of my house, I'll have you arrested.  
  2. 意外或不行的事情

     a. I got my car stolen last year.  
     b. Have you ever had your passport stolen?  
     c. Joe had his leg broken in a fitght.  
     d. It took me two hours to get the washing done.  
     e. Don't get you plans changed.