
GWAS-GWAS colocalisation

Liuyh275 opened this issue · 6 comments


I noticed that some studies consider a situation where two traits have been measured in two distinct datasets of unrelated individuals. However, I wanna use this method to do colocalization with two distinct traits in the same population or individuals. Does it make sense either?


@chr1swallace If the samples totally overlap, we can tell the direction (opposite for different beta signs and the same for the same beta signs) based on the beta coefficient sign (quantitative traits) and the effect alleles (the same for both traits), right?

@chr1swallace Do you have a paper in mind (or the one from your previous link is sufficient) that we can cite if we want to publish some colocalization results using GWAS from entirely overlapped populations between two traits?


@chr1swallace Thanks! My GWAS are quantitative traits for overlapped populations

Hi, we perform GWAS-GWAS colocalization and Two sample Mendelian randomization of two traits. So how to interpret the results that significant result of MR while non-significant result of colocalization? Is the result reasonable?