coloc.abf returns NaN for all posteriors
Closed this issue · 5 comments
Thanks for the great software! I was trying to use it on my data and it seems that I encounterd a situation where all posteriors are returned NaN but there is no reason / error reported for this.
I checked the "check_dataset()" outputs for both the inputs, both report "## NULL" and I do get SNP priors & hypothesis priors but no posteriors.
What I'm trying to run:
`> coloc.abf(dataset1=qtlD, dataset2=GwasCC)
PP.H0.abf PP.H1.abf PP.H2.abf PP.H3.abf PP.H4.abf
[1] "PP abf for shared variant: NaN%"
Coloc analysis of trait 1, trait 2
SNP Priors
p1 p2 p12
1e-04 1e-04 1e-05
Hypothesis Priors
H0 H1 H2 H3 H4
0.7534289 0.1115 0.1115 0.0124211 0.01115
nsnps H0 H1 H2 H3 H4
1115 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN `
I'm not sure what is going on here and I hoped you might have a suggestion!
Thanks for the super fast reply. Here you go:
List of 8
$ beta : Named num [1:1115] 1.225 -0.434 1.748 1.748 -1.386 ...
..- attr(, "names")= chr [1:1115] "6:32385399_G_A" "6:32385453_G_A" "6:32385470_G_A" "6:32385573_A_G" ...
$ varbeta : Named num [1:1115] 0.0829 0.1545 0.2113 0.2113 0.2874 ...
..- attr(, "names")= chr [1:1115] "6:32385399_G_A" "6:32385453_G_A" "6:32385470_G_A" "6:32385573_A_G" ...
$ snp : chr [1:1115] "6:32385399_G_A" "6:32385453_G_A" "6:32385470_G_A" "6:32385573_A_G" ...
$ position: int [1:1115] 32385399 32385453 32385470 32385573 32385596 32385605 32385653 32385750 32385782 32385873 ...
$ type : chr "quant"
$ sdY : num 1
$ N : int [1:1115] 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 ...
$ MAF : num [1:1115] 0.298 0.286 0.167 0.167 0.119 ...
List of 5
$ beta : Named num [1:1115] -0.779 0.447 -0.144 -0.144 0.32 ...
..- attr(, "names")= chr [1:1115] "6:32385399_G_A" "6:32385453_G_A" "6:32385470_G_A" "6:32385573_A_G" ...
$ varbeta : Named num [1:1115] 0 0.000324 0.000504 0.000504 0.000833 ...
..- attr(, "names")= chr [1:1115] "6:32385399_G_A" "6:32385453_G_A" "6:32385470_G_A" "6:32385573_A_G" ...
$ snp : chr [1:1115] "6:32385399_G_A" "6:32385453_G_A" "6:32385470_G_A" "6:32385573_A_G" ...
$ position: int [1:1115] 32385399 32385453 32385470 32385573 32385596 32385605 32385653 32385750 32385782 32385873 ...
$ type : chr "cc"`
And here is the combined 'plot_dataset" plot
As you can see it is a locus on Chr 6 so it might have to do with complex LD around the HLA?
Sorry for only getting back to you now. I when back and double checked all input data again and I found that there are entries with P of 0 and beta_se of 0, after filtering out these unexpected entries in my datasets it works all fine!
Thanks for your quick replies and help!