
question about PP.H3

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I have used the function coloc.sbf(), but can't get the the posterior probability SNP.PP.H3 of the single SNP . So how to get the SNP.PP.H0, SNP.PP.H1,SNP.PP.H2 and SNP.PP.H3, not only the summary information.

sorry, I want a set of snp-gene pairs. My trait1 is GWAS, trait 2 is eQTL.

I used the function coloc.abf()

I want to konw the H0-H4, especially the H3 and H4. So can you tell me the method to get them? Besides, I read some articals, they also give these values.

Yes, I want to know the relationship between the snp pair, whether coloc or individual, but now I can't get the H3. Besides, I have another problem. I have one same snp pair in two datasets, which means rs1--gene1 in data1, rs1--gene1 in data2. When I input data1 and data2 in the coloc.abf function individual, it got total different results. I don't understand, because rs1--gene1 parameter is same in the data1 and data2, why the results is various? And when I only put the rs1-gene1,not include other snp-pair, the result is also different. I feel confuesd.

I see it carefully. But your documentation also just show the SNP.PP.H4, which can't see the PP.H3. But in your artical , how did you get the PP.H3? I just want to know the PP.H3. Besides, the another question is the same snp pair in two gene locus, why it had same beta,se,p and maf for GWAS and eQTL, it actually get different PP.H4?

I had print, but it only include the summary for PP3. But as you said ,I want to get the PP3 for snp-pair. Can you give me a e-mail address, I can show the picture of my data and result. The address you leave in the coloc paper, I send a mail, but still not get response.

I have another question. How to know the H3 or H4 being true, which value to judge?