Plugin for the Vim editor, that marks insecure SSL/TLS cipher suites and protocol as errors.
When configuring or programming SSL/TLS servers, at some point a SSL/TLS cipher suite and a list of supported protocols have to be chosen.
Unfortunately, not all configuration options are safe. :(
This plugin highlights insecure SSL/TLS options as errors right in your editor!
- Mark insecure SSL ciphers as errors
- Mark insecure SSL protocols as errors
- Works with all configuration files (web servers, mail servers, ...)
- Works with all source code (independently on the used programming language)
- Works on top of regular syntax highlighting
Note: DO NOT USE the displayed ciphers. They are insecure and might not even work - the purpose is to show off the highlighting options of this plugin.
Rust (CipherSuites from Rustls)
I'm neither a mathematician, nor a cryptographer. If you are one and you have feedback to this plugin, find a flaw, please open an issue.
- Blog post to introducing this plugin, with further information.
Just plug it into your favorite Vim package manager:
" Plug
Plug 'chr4/sslsecure.vim
" Dein.vim
call dein#add('chr4/sslsecure.vim')
" Vundle
Plugin 'chr4/sslsecure.vim'
Note that sslsecure.vim require Vim 7.3 or greater.
There's also an AUR for Archlinux available, which is maintained by Christian Rebischke
Authors: Chris Aumann
Contributors: Meredith Howard