
CLI to organize PDFs by attaching bibtex metadata

Primary LanguagePython


Maper (may-per, like paper with an 'm', as in meta-paper) is a minimal, easy to use, command line tool to download/manage scientific papers in pdf-format by attaching a bibtex-file and updating its metadata using pikepdf.


Install from PyPI:

$ pip install maper

Additionally, pandoc needs to be installed and available.


Use either python -m maper <command> or if PATH is set correctly, maper <command>.

Currently available commands are:

  • create
  • show
  • bibtex


Create a PDF file with an attached bibtex file and metadata title and authors set:

$ maper create <bibtex> <pdf> [-o <output>]

where <bibtex> and <pdf> may be either local files or URLs, and output is a filename, or a directory. If <output> is not a directory, the resulting pdf will be stored in that file. If <output> is an existing directory, the file will be stored in <output>/<FirstAuthorFamilyName><Year><FirstTitleWord>.pdf. If <output> is omitted, the current directory is assumed.


Show a summary of the attached bibtex of one or multiple pdfs:

maper show [<pdf> ...]


Show the bibtex of one or combined of multiple pdfs (e.g. to create a full bibtex file)

$ maper bibtex [<pdf> ...]


The following creates the pdf Weizenbaum1966ELIZA.pdf, shows a summary, and the full attached bibtex filed:

$ maper create 'https://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/journals/cacm/Weizenbaum66.bib?param=1' 'https://cse.buffalo.edu/~rapaport/572/S02/weizenbaum.eliza.1966.pdf'
$ maper show Weizenbaum1966ELIZA.pdf
$ maper bibtex Weizenbaum1966ELIZA.pdf