
Command line utility that generates .nuspec project files via linq to xml

Primary LanguageC#

Nuspec manifest generator via linq to xml for nuget v5.* (.NET 4+)

  • Adds default content and unlicense with nuspec namespaces.
  • Includes all \bin\ *.dlls in project file and project name by default.
  • Runs from *.*proj folder and adds an image.

  • Executable available.

CommandLine usage (Creates .nuspec file for nuget):


C:\Users\>nuget.exe setApikey %GENGUID% -NonInteractive

C:\Users\>nuget.exe pack .nuspec -IncludeReferencedProjects -properties Configuration=Release -Force

C:\Users\>nuget.exe push *.nupkg -Source https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package