A LaTeX template for a basic DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, German Research Foundation) grant proposal. Attention: you need pdflatex
and biber
(not bibtex
) to compile the document.
This template is based on the template of the Measurement Engineering Group and is based on the current RTF DFG form 53.10.
If you do not have biber
installed try to install it from the package sources of your system. There is also a conda
install that you can try:
conda create -n biber -c malramsay biber
conda activate biber
Most of customization (citation style, etc.) can be done by changes in the proposal.sty
To add references to different parts of the proposal, you can define categories:
that can be later used in the sections:
\printbibliography[category=reviewed, heading=none]
To change the style of your bibliography you have to change the following code snippet in the proposal.sty
\usepackage[backend = biber,
style = numeric, %numeric, alphabetic
firstinits = true,
natbib = true,
hyperref = true,
maxbibnames = 11, % number of authors shown
sorting=none, % remove this to have things sorted, e.g. use style=alphabetic
The environment funds
can be used to automatically sum up all costs specified like this:
\begin{funds}[funding for staff]
\positionmul{Research associate, TV-L 13, 36 months}{5375}{36}
\positionmul{Student assistant, TV-L 13, 12 months}{450}{12}
I used this template for an actual proposal submission to the DFG that was accepted and send out for review. Just be aware of the 20 pages maximum... -.-