Games Score Service

Execute Unit Tests

  • Execute: mvn clean test

Execute Integration Tests

  • Execute: mvn clean integration-test -DskipUTs=true or mvn clean verify -DskipUTs=true

Run All Tests

  • Execute: mvn clean verify

Test Coverage (via JaCoCo)

  • In order to generate reports execute: mvn clean verify
    • In order to see unit test coverage open with browser: target/site/jacoco-ut/index.html
    • In order to see integration test coverage open with browser: target/site/jacoco-it/index.html

Package/Build Application and Run it

  • Execute: mvn clean package -DskipUTs=true -DskipITs=true

  • Then, execute: java -jar target/games-score-service-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Highscores List Calculation Strategy

  • Select from file one of the following:
    • level-scores-by-user-id-nested-strategy
    • level-scores-flat-strategy

Dependencies Used

  • Dev

    • Log4j
    • Lombok
  • Test

    • JUnit
    • Mockito
    • Awaitility