
SegmentFlow: Class-conditional Probabilistic Semantic Segmentation Using Invertible Neural Networks

Primary LanguageC++

Learning Representative Points using Normalizing Flows


  • COCO dataloader for points sampling from object segmentation mask.
  • COCO dataloader for points sampling from object boundary.
  • Implement semantic segmentation using NFs
  • Person segmentation (Simple binary segmentation of person vs background, N = 2)
  • Apply random cropping, jittering
  • Multi-class segmentation (N > 2)
  • Implment boundary detection using NFs
  • Learn circles distribution by adding extra NF and use it as a prior flow.
  • Sample from learned prior flow and feed it to subsequent NF.
  • Improve backbones
  • Use dilated convolutions
  • Use leaky ReLU
  • Use Flow++, SoftFlow, Gradient Boosted NF instead of CNFs.
  • Vary the number of sample points
  • Currently, 150 points
  • 4 -> 15 -> 30 -> 60
  • Implement hard negative mining scheme (or do we actually need it?)

Test Results

Sampled from truncated normals (stddev=0.2)


Now able to cover multiple instances



person person person person person person person person person person person


At the early stage of training, the model focuses on covering a single person. Then, the Normalizing Flow is tring to learn harder cases where multimodality is present in a single image so that points could be sampled to cover multiple instances.


  • Sae Young Kim