Decentralized Training Series 2018

supplyChain: A simple supply chain blockchain dApp


The dApp is composed of two parts: (i) contracts, and (ii) web interface. The supplyChain contract utilizes the Owned contract for handling access. The owner of the contract can register Handlers and in turn Handlers register Products and log Checkpoints where products passthrough. The interface is based on a multi-tab approach allowing for interaction with the deployed smart contracts easily by handling required conversions and beautifying outputs. Connection to the Ethereum blockchain is established through injection from Metamask (after logging in). Deployment can be performed by any deployment tool e.g., Remix or Truffle.

Requirements and Installation

The key (with limited number of requests) can be obtained. The key should be copied and pasted in the index.html file at:

<script async defer src="<Google Maps Javascript Key>"

The Google Maps key is required to visualize the the path that a product has followed.

  • Solc compiler: The solc compiler is required to compile the contracts and extract the abi (contract/abi/<contract_abi>) in case of performed changes. Installation of the solc is performed as:

     npm install -g solc

Compilation of contracts is performed as: soljs --abi <contract_name>.sol soljs --bin <contract_name>.sol

The results of compilation should be placed into corresponding folders in contracts folder. The default (preconmpiled) files are provided.

  • Simple Http server: The http server is required to serve the interface for testing. Installation of the simple http server is performed through npm:

     npm install -g http-server

The server should be initialized in the root directory (.):

http-server ./

Custom deployment script

In folder contracts there is a custom deployment script for deploying the Smart Contract supplyChain.sol. The Smart Contract requires an Infura token, ontained from, a private and a public address from an Ethereum account with enough Eth for the deployment. Other parameters include the Chain ID, which depends on the network chosen for deployment.

Installation procedure of the required libraries is as follows:

pip3.6 install web3
pip3.6 install py-solc

python3.6 -m solc.install v0.4.24

And to run the script


This script deploys the supplyChain contract and waits until this procedure is confirmed, it then returns the contract address.

Files and Folders

Files and folders structure is as follows:

|-- contracts
|   |-- abi
|   |   |-- supplyChain_sol_Owned.abi
|   |   `-- supplyChain_sol_supplyChain.abi
|   |-- bin
|   |   |-- supplyChain_sol_Owned.bin
|   |   `-- supplyChain_sol_supplyChain.bin
|   |--
|   `-- supplyChain.sol
|-- css
|   `-- index.css
|-- favicon.ico
|-- img
|   `-- dts-logo.png
|-- index.html
|-- js
|   `-- index.js