
OpenPnp driver for SmallSmt machines

Primary LanguagePython


OpenPnp driver for SmallSmt machines

This is collection of OpenPnp driver and OpenPnp related scripts for SmallSmt Pick&Place machines.


  • Install python >v3.6 + pip
cd source/smallsmt_openpnp_server

# install the dependencies
pip install .

Run (standalone, playground)

# run the server
python smallsmt_openpnp_server/smallsmt_openpnp_server.py

# select the serial port and connect to the machine
# run the playground from the menu and move the machine around

Run (with openpnp)

git clone https://github.com/jarekkt/openpnp
cd openpnp
mvn package
run ./openpnp.sh or ./openpnp.bat