- 0
Create a new branch for additional features added outside of the tutorial series
#8 opened by chris-gong - 0
GameState's PlayerArray variable may not be accessible by the time the GameLiftTutorialWidget is constructed
#19 opened by chris-gong - 1
Need to update the Google Chrome version in the UWebBrowser widget (Couldn't sign you in, browser or app may not be secure)
#2 opened by chris-gong - 0
Upgrade to 4.26
#18 opened by chris-gong - 1
Remove unused Starter Content
#12 opened by chris-gong - 1
- 2
- 1
Have to find a way to delete the webcache folder so that users can sign in through different Google accounts
#3 opened by chris-gong - 1
- 1
Error when compiling/building for a non-server configuration (C4716: function must return a value)
#10 opened by chris-gong - 4
Try to remake Google sign-in
#9 opened by BEASTSM96 - 0
Improve README
#7 opened by chris-gong