React Timezone Picker

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This is a React component for selecting a timezone. The implementation is one file, it can be styled, and it has no dependencies.


  • Npm: npm install react-timezone-picker
  • Yarn: yarn add react-timezone-picker


import React from 'react';
import TimezonePicker from 'react-timezone-picker';

const MyComponent() => {
        return (
            <TimezonePicker onChange={console.log} />

Use With Options

import React from 'react';
import TimezonePicker from 'react-timezone-picker';

const MyComponent() => {
        return (
                unselectLabel="No Timezone"
                    borderRadius: '0.5rem',
                    background: 'teal',
                    color: 'white',


Customize timezone picker by passing these, or any other props valid on the <select /> element, to the component:

Prop Description
onChange initial open state of the modal
defaultValue the value the timezone picker is initially set to
value pass a value into the picker making it a controlled component
unselectLabel the label for selecting undefined (the undefined option does not appear without a label specified)
style styles for the element

See the examples and the examples source code for more snippets to copy.


If there are any examples you'd like to see or use cases I didn't cover, please file an issue.