
In-Place Updater to OpenBSD 6.3

Primary LanguageShellISC LicenseISC

In-Place Updater to OpenBSD 6.3

The scripts in the 6.3 subdirectory updates OpenBSD 6.2 to OpenBSD 6.3 in-place. It also attempts to remove leftovers from previous versions.

The cleanup.sh can be run on any updated system to remove old libraries. This should only be done AFTER you upgrade all ports.

This script is still work in-progress. If you use it do so at your own risk. I make no guarantees. This script may break your system.


  • Copy the 3 scripts in the 6.3 subdirectory [update.sh, after_boot.sh, cleanup.sh] to the target machine.
  • Log in as root. Do NOT doas or sudo they may break during the update process. Use su -.
  • Kill all unnecessary processes.
  • sh update.sh
  • machine will reboot and automatically run after_boot.sh
  • run the cleanup script if desired. This will likely save you some space. sh cleanup.sh

Building cleanup.sh

  • run build_list.sh on a clean, updated, version of the new operating system.
  • run build_list.sh on a clean, updated, version of the previous operating system.
  • place both lists in the lists subdirectory.
  • if the names are different you will have to change them in the build_cleanup.rb script.
  • run build_cleanup.rb which will compile the cleanup.sh script.


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/chris-huxtable/openbsd-updater/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
