Chatroom WebApp [Frontend]



A simple database-less chat web app created for fun. I initially was following a Youtube tutorial by Javascript Mastery before I decided to change the whole CSS and add a notification bar at the chatroom page. This is the main repository containing the frontend side off the web app code. The backend repository is available here. I hosted the frontend on Netlify and the backend on Heroku.
Technologies: ReactJS,, Netlify, Heroku


The website is now live on 29/10/2020). To use the chatroom, just fill in the username and room name from the landing page. You will be redirected to the main chatroom page. Have fun! chatroom-main

What I Changed

  • Overwrote most of the CSS with custom images and adapt the design to fit the design theme of the organization I'm in.
  • Added a responsive design for mobile
  • Added a simple notification bar for the chatroom.


  • install NodeJS and Git (if you haven't)
  • git clone the repository, then cd into the directory cloned.
  • npm install to install all the dependencies
  • npm start to run the app in the development mode