
2D platformer game written in C++. Meant to be a template/sandbox for experimenting. Not a complete game.

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


2D platformer game written in C++. Meant to be a template/sandbox for experimenting. Not a complete game.


Draw text on the screen with DrawText()

void DrawText(renderer, text, font, color, x, y);

Levels are created with Tiled (See image below).


Export levels as CSV files (*.csv) and save next to source code files.


Below is the void that will load in the level file and create all the platforms for collision detection.

Pressing Enter on the main keyboard (SDL_SCANCODE_RETURN) will cycle through the level files in the directory.

void LoadPlatforms(SDL_Renderer* ren)
    file = "level" + to_string(level) + ".csv";

    ifstream in(file);
    string line, field;
    vector<vector<string>> array; // 2D array
    vector<string> v; // array of values for one line only

    while (getline(in, line)) // get next line in file
        stringstream ss(line);

        while (getline(ss, field, ',')) // break line into comma delimitted fields
            v.push_back(field); // add each field to the 1D array
        array.push_back(v); // add the 1D array to the 2D array

    for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j)
            if (array[i][j] == "0") // 0 represents a platform in the csv file
                int l = 100; // platform width
                int h = 15; // platform height

                // 8 columns * 100 (platform width) = 800 screen width
                int x = ((j + 1) * 100) - 100; 

                // 40 rows * 15 (platform height) = 600 screen height
                int y = ((i + 1) * 15) - 15;
                SDL_Rect platform{ x, y, l, h };
                platforms.push_back(platform); // add platform to the 1D array for collision testing
                SDL_RenderFillRect(ren, &platform);