
C# console application to calculate Implicit Association Test (IAT) D-scores

Primary LanguageC#


C# console application to calculate D-scores from IAT data in JSON format. See the sample included for data format/folder organisation. Easily extendable to other input formats (input function to modify is IATBlock.GetQuestions).

Explanation of steps

See here1 for more information about the IAT, and justification of the scoring algorithm used.

  1. Extract the IAT "blocks" to be analysed
    • For the standard IAT these are blocks 3, 4, 6 and 7.
  2. Eliminate outliers
    • Here outliers are defined as all trials with latencies > 10,000ms.
  3. Reject subjects
    • Subjects who complete more than 10% of the trials in less than 300ms are rejected.
  4. Calculate mean latency for correct answers
    • The mean latency is calculated for the correct responses, to be used in step 6.
  5. Calculate standard deviation for groups of blocks
    • A pooled standard deviation is calculated for blocks 3 & 6, blocks 4 & 7.
  6. Replace error latencies
    • Latencies for incorrect responses are replaced with the quantity mean correct latency (from step 4) + 2 * block SD (from step 5).
  7. Calculate D-score.
    • A D-score is calculated from the resulting data using the formula described in [1].


  1. Greenwald AG, Nosek BA, Banaji MR (2003). Understanding and using the Implicit Association Test: I. An improved scoring algorithm. J Pers Soc Psychol 85(2):197–216.