This is a fork of the IOHK Plutus Pioneer Program repository. I am adding READMEs to each of the lectures to transcribe the audio.
- bmateusLondon, ON
- borisuvarovDataArt
- bosskopp
- brunjlarInput Output Hong Kong
- CardanoVoting
- cat-turner
- danivideda@cardano-indonesia
- dpatrick895
- eNapoles
- iurabTimisoara
- JonasHiltlHamburg, Germany
- katommGermany
- konstanSixSq
- LadyChristinaEdinburgh, Scotland
- larestrepoMoxietech
- LendaDeAfonselioLisboa
- lparam
- MattHalloranVrooli
- MercurialCebu, Philippines
- mwojteraPolitechnika Łódzka
- namnaku87
- naomiwovn
- nc00mshku
- nejcr@blurb @while-true @roseryan
- OakAndClayOak and Clay
- picogeyerSouth Africa
- proximacb
- Summertimechi
- syuhair
- tanmay-delhikarGermany
- terrywest
- Tideway238
- xqz-uAmsterdam
- yanisurbis@WorksHub
- yveshauserZurich, Switzerland
- Zagita21Drasil