
Practical Ruby video game framework

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Practical Ruby video game framework, alpha stage


  • Designed to be easy to learn and fast to build games with
  • Embraces Ruby's strengths (object-orientation, duck typing, focus on developer happiness)
  • Platform-agnostic (currently compiles to web pages through Opal; PC executables and mobile apps planned)
  • Convention (over configuration)-oriented
  • Processing/HTML5 Canvas-style drawing API
  • Command-line utilities (no monolithic IDE)
  • Open source under MIT license



Asteroids (code)


Random (code)


NOTE: This is alpha-stage software, expect changes!


  1. Install Ruby 2.0+, visit the Ruby website for more info.
  2. In a command line, enter gem install yeah.
  3. Enter yeah to view list of commands.

Making a game

  1. In a command line, enter yeah new to generate a new game project.
  2. Change into the new game directory, then enter bundle install.
  3. Add game code to code/game.rb. No tutorials yet; please take a look at the example code and API reference.
  4. Enter yeah serve and visit http://localhost:1234 to try the game.


0.3.3 API reference

Issue & feature tracker

IRC channel: irc://irc.freenode.net/yeahrb

Author's email