
Lightweight Bitcoin payment processor written in easily deployable Python. Self custody donations and payments on-chain & Lightning network, directly connected to your own Bitcoin node! No middleman/custodian.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


SatSale is a lightweight Bitcoin payment processor that connects to your own Bitcoin node or Lightning network node.

Donation Button -----> Bitcoin Payment Gateway
Donate demo
(Click for donation page demo)
Initiates payment ----->
Store demo
(Click for WordPress store payments demo)



SatSale currently serves as a

  1. Donation page and button for your website that you can easily embed/link to anywhere.
  2. Bitcoin payment gateway, including a Woocommerce plugin that easily turns any Wordpress site into a Bitcoin accepting store.
  3. Versatile API and payments platform for both on-chain and lightning payments (supporting both clightning and lnd).

While other Bitcoin payment processors are known for being difficult to install and self-host, SatSale is easy to modify and build upon.

SatSale makes donation buttons simple - an easy copy and paste of the one line HTML iframe into your site. With a simple Python backend to talk to your own Bitcoin node, SatSale uses RPC to generate new addresses, and monitors the payment status with your own copy of the blockchain.

Our objective is to share the power of self-custody bitcoin payments with the world.


  • Process payments with your own Bitcoin node via RPC and SSH using Bitcoin core, or any other node software that supports RPC calls.
  • Direct peer-to-peer payments without any middleman. No KYC, and greater privacy than donation systems where Bitcoin addresses are reused multiple times.
  • Lightning Address support (e.g. me@mydomain.com)
  • Supports both clightning and lnd, or you can just use on-chain!
  • Lightweight and highly extendable, with basic html and css styling and a modular Python backend. Take a look at the code or lnd.py!
  • Reusable and extendable API.
  • No shitcoins. Bitcoin only.

Installation (short!)

You require a Bitcoin node; if you don't have one you should install one preferably on a Raspberry Pi / server (VPS). While you can run SatSale on the same machine, a separate VPS is recommended.


Clone and install dependencies

git clone https://github.com/nickfarrow/SatSale
cd SatSale/
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Connect to your Bitcoin Node

Edit the config.toml configuration and point to your Bitcoin node:

host = ""
username = "bitcoinrpc"
password = "rpcpassword"
rpcport = "8332"
wallet = ""

(You can find these in ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf).

When connecting to a remote node, also edit either the SSH tunnel_host to a node like "pi@IP", ensuring you have SSH keys in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and ufw allow 8332 the appropriate ports to connect to your node. Or alternatively, see tor hidden service.

If you have a lightning node (lnd or clightning) and want to use lightning network payments, see Lightning instructions. More example configs.

Run SatSale

Run SatSale with

gunicorn -w 1 -b satsale:app

Gunicorn is a lightweight python HTTP server. Alternatively, you can run using just python satsale.py, though this is not recommended for production.

That's it! You should now be able to view your SatSale server at http://YOUR_SERVER_IP:8000/. If running locally, this will be

If running on a Raspberry Pi, you will want to forward port 8000 in your router settings so that SatSale is also visible at your external IP address. You might have to allow gunicorn through your firewall with sudo ufw allow 8000.

You will want to run gunicorn with nohup so it continues serving in the background:

nohup gunicorn -w 1 satsale:app > log.txt 2>&1 &
tail -f log.txt

Embed a Donation Button

Now embed the donation button into your website HTML:

  style="margin: 0 auto;display:block;width:420px;height:460px;border:none;overflow:hidden;"

Changing YOUR_SERVER_IP to the IP address of the machine you're running SatSale on, node or otherwise. Additionally, you could redirect a domain to that IP and use that instead.

Using HTTPS & Domains

Point a domain to your VPS. You can run SatSale or use NGINX/apache to point to the service. See HTTPS instructions. Embedded iframes are easy if your site only uses HTTP. But if your site uses HTTPS, then you can see your donation button at http://YOUR_SERVER_IP:8000/ but will not be able to in an embedded iframe. See HTTPS instructions.

Lightning Address

Once you have an HTTPS domain pointed at SatSale, in the configuration under a lightning node you can specify a lightning address:

# Lightning Address e.g. name@you.satsale.domain (think this requires https url)
lightning_address = name@ur.domain.com
lightning_address_comment = "Thank you for your support <3"


Run SatSale on a separate machine to your node, ensuring your node IP is not exposed. When possible, host on a machine where your node only has access to a watch-only wallet. Similarly, for lightning, use an invoice.macaroon not admin.macaroon unless required.

Payment Gateway (Woocommerce)

Currently we have a plugin for Woocommerce in Wordpress that makes Bitcoin webstores extremely easy, please click here for installation instructions. SatSale acts as a custom payment gateway for Woocommerce via the php plugin found in /gateways. We have plans to extend to other web stores in the future.


When updating we recommend to first backup your config:

cp config.toml bk_config.toml

# (previously)
cp config.py bk_config.py

then stash your changes:

git stash
git pull origin master
git stash pop

We're still in early development, so things are changing a lot. You may have to resolve changes or manually migrate to the .toml (if you used an earlier version of SatSale with the .py config).

You can also just make commits to your modified fork.


Contributions welcomed

You only need a little python!

The main code can be found in satsale.py. The client-side logic for initiating the payment and querying the API sits in static/satsale.js, button appearance in templates/index.html, and Woocommerce plugin in gateways/woo_satsale.php. Please have ago at implementing some of the things below or in the issues!


Coming soon

  • Better UI with more variety of size and theme.
  • Currency toggle between BTC/USD on donation html.
  • Late payment recourse.
  • A more readily customisable donation button (text/color/QR code)
  • Different price feeds with various currencies


SatSale is in early development. As such, we are not responsible for any loss of funds, vulnerabilities with software, or any other grievances which may arise. Always confirm large payments manually and use cold storage as much as possible.


Please consider supporting me via my own instance of SatSale :). This is my first FOSS project, any support would greatly assist my ability to prioritise SatSale and other areas of Bitcoin. And most importantly, help us bring non-custodial bitcoin payments to the world. Please email baseddepartment@nickfarrow.com.