The purrfect cat finder app. :cat2
Welcome to Paw-some. A simple Cat image loader, and given that cat images power the internet, you'll be doing your bit too.
This screen lists all available breeds. Scroll up and down and select your favourite. There's a drawer on the left which will allow you to filter and order the breeds. Currently you can view and interact with the available filters.
- Implement filtering
This screen is where the party is at. The images shown are tagged as per your chosen breed. (User content sometimes though, so I find it's not always accurate, great nonetheless). Expand the top bar to see further detail of the chosen breed.
- Navigate to the wiki url, if it is available.
- Expand images on user clicks.
- Kotlin
- Gradle for build tooling, including buildSrc and configuration cache.
- Coroutines for concurrency
- Jetpack Compose for UI.
- Koin for DI.
- Material3 Components and theming including Material You and dynamic themes.
- Retrofit, OkHttp and Moshi for network calls and json mapping.
- Coil for image loading.
- junit and mockK for unit tests
- Evaluate API, and create account
- Create new project, repo, set up build scripts etc.
- Migrate to clean multi module architecture
- Add some CI set up in github actions
- Starting with the first api call begin to implement the code and first iterations of UI
- Step back and evaluate. Decide on next steps.
- Refine / Improve / Optimise / etc.
- Finalise README documentation.
- Hide the api key in some sort of file. Use CI to inject it at build time. (then close existing account)
- Previews
- Further UI Tests
- Compose Tests
- Implement Room for improved caching.
- Improve error handling / network status observing.
- Work out how to show emojis in a README