
A consistent-hashing relay for statsd and carbon metrics

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION


A consistent-hashing relay for statsd metrics

Build Status


MIT License Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Lyft Inc. Copyright (c) 2014 Uber Technologies, Inc.

Whats different in this version

This version differs from upstream in several key ways:

  • The YAML configuration was removed in favor of JSON
  • Relaying can now be done to one more more destinations, with:
    • Prefix and suffixing of any metric names
    • Ingress filtering based on a regular expression
    • Ingress blacklist based on PCRE compliant regular expression
  • Several key bug fixes designed to improve operationability



  • cmake
  • libev (>= 4.11)
  • libjansson
  • libpcre


Usage: statsrelay [options]
  -h, --help                   Display this message
  -v, --verbose                Write log messages to stderr in addition to syslog
  -l, --log-level              Set the logging level to DEBUG, INFO, WARN, or ERROR
                               (default: INFO)
  -p  --pid                    Path to the pid file

  -c, --config=filename        Use the given hashring config file
                               (default: /etc/statsrelay.json)
  -t, --check-config=filename  Check the config syntax
                               (default: /etc/statsrelay.json)
  --version                    Print the version
statsrelay --config=/path/to/statsrelay.json

This process will run in the foreground. If you need to daemonize, use start-stop-script, daemontools, supervisord, upstart, systemd, or your preferred service watchdog.

By default statsrelay binds to for statsd proxying.

For each line that statsrelay receives in the statsd format "statname.foo.bar:1|c\n", the key will be hashed to determine which backend server the stat will be relayed to. If no connection to that backend is open, the line is queued and a connection attempt is started. Once a connection is established, all queued metrics are relayed to the backend and the queue is emptied. If the backend connection fails, the queue persists in memory and the connection will be retried after one second. Any stats received for that backend during the retry window are added to the queue.

Each backend has its own send queue. If a send queue reaches max-send-queue bytes (default: 128MB) in size, new incoming stats are dropped until a backend connection is successful and the queue begins to drain.

All log messages are sent to syslog with the INFO priority.

If SIGINT or SIGTERM are caught, all connections are killed, send queues are dropped, and memory freed. statsrelay exits with return code 0 if all went well.

To retrieve server statistics, connect to TCP port 8125 and send the string "status" followed by a newline '\n' character. The end of the status output is denoted by two consecutive newlines "\n\n"

stats example:

$ echo status | nc localhost 8125

global bytes_recv_udp gauge 0
global bytes_recv_tcp gauge 41
global total_connections gauge 1
global last_reload timestamp 0
global malformed_lines gauge 0
group:0 rejected_lines gauge 3
backend: bytes_queued gauge 27
backend: bytes_sent gauge 27
backend: relayed_lines gauge 3
backend: dropped_lines gauge 0

Scaling With Virtual Shards

Statsrelay implements a virtual sharding scheme, which allows you to easily scale your statsd backends by reassigning virtual shards to actual statsd instance or servers. This technique also applies to alternative statsd implementations like statsite.

Consider the following simplified example with this config file:

{"statsd": {
    "bind": "",
    "shard_map": ["",

In this file we've defined two actual backend hosts ( and Each of these hosts is running two statsd instances, on port 8128 (this is a good way to scale statsd, since statsd and alternative implementations like statsite are typically single threaded). In a real setup, you'd likely be running more statsd instances on each server, and you'd likely have more repeated lines to assign more virtual shards to each statsd instance.

Internally statsrelay assigns a zero-indexed virtual shard to each line in the file; so has virtual shards 0 and 1, has virtual shards 2 and 3, and so on.

To do optimal shard assignment, you'll want to write a program that looks at the CPU usage of your shards and figures out the optimal distribution of shards. How you do that is up to you, but a good technique is to start by generating a statsrelay config that has many virtual shards evenly assigned, and then periodically have a script that finds which actual backends are overloaded and reassigns some of the virtual shards on those hosts to less loaded hosts (or to new hosts).

If you don't initially assign enough virtual shards and then later expand to more, everything will work.

Hot restarts

Statsrelay support hot-restarts, thereby allowing you to have zero downtime deploys, this happens with the help of rainbow-saddle. RUNIT monitors rainbow-saddle pidfile, while rainbow saddle handles relaying the right signals to the statsrelay arbiter.


$ rainbow-saddle --gunicorn-pidfile /run/statsrelay/statsrelay.pid --pid /run/statsrelay/rainbow-saddle.pid /usr/local/bin/statsrelay --config=/etc/statsrelay.json

Upon receiving

kill -SIGHUP `cat /run/statsrelay/rainbow-saddle.pid`

Rainbow saddle sends:

  1. kill -SIGUSR2 to statsrelay arbiter master (identified by /run/statsrelay/statsrelay.pid)
  • statsrelay arbiter forks and re-execs a new copy of statsrelay binary, which starts listening on the same sockets and starts accepting connections.
  • the old statsrelay arbiter master, stops accepting connections once the new master is up and accepting connections
  • Old master touches /run/statsrelay/statsrelay.oldbin after the TCPListener buffer has been drained (which prevents data loss)
  1. Gracefully shutdown the old master by sending kill -SIGTERM to process identified by statsrelay.oldbin pidfile
  • the old master performs necessary cleanup and frees up of resources
  • rainbow-saddle starts monitoring the new statsrelay arbiter. (does not rebind). Once the new master is up and is taking traffic
# Reexec a new statsrelay master, stops old master from accepting new connections
/bin/kill -s USR2 `cat "$PID"`
# Graceful stop old master, once all the tcplistener buffers have been drained.
/bin/kill -s TERM `cat "$PIDOLD"`