
An easy to use DDP client library

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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SimpleDDP 🥚

The aim of this library is to simplify the process of working with Meteor.js server over DDP protocol using external JS environments (like Node.js, Cordova, Ionic, ReactNative, etc).

It is battle tested 🏰 in production and ready to use 🔨.

The library is build on top of ddp.js.

If you like this project, you can make a donation 🌟 paypal


SimpleDDP is written in ES6 and uses modern features like promises. Though its precompiled with Babel, your js environment must support ES6 features. So if you are planning to use SimpleDDP be sure that your js environment supports ES6 features or include polyfills yourself (like Babel Polyfill).


npm install simpleddp --save


  • ✅ Add plugin system.
  • ✅ Create plugin for default login with Meteor Accounts.
  • ✅ Test coverage.
  • Add real Meteor server in tests.
  • More examples.

What's new in 1.1.x

  • Added mocha testing (>= v1.1.0).
  • New onChange approach, simpleDDP.onChange removed. For more info see simpleDDP.collection (>= v1.1.0).
  • simpleDDP.stopChangeListeners() is introduced instead of simpleDDP.stopOnChange(), see simpleDDP.stopChangeListeners() (>= v1.1.0).
  • simpleDDP.connect now returns Promise (>= v1.1.1).
  • ddpSubscription has ready() method which returns Promise (>=v1.1.1).
  • Fixed bug with new simpleDDP(opts) where opts.autoConnect == false (>=v1.1.5).
  • Fixed bug with ddpSubscription.ready() promise (>=v1.1.5).
  • simpleDDP.disconnect now returns Promise (>= v1.1.6).
  • Added plugin system (>= v1.1.7) (see plugins).
  • New documentation (>= v1.1.7).
  • Fixed bug with opts.autoReconnect==true (>= v1.1.7).
  • simpleDDP.collection and ddpFilter now return [] if no collection found (>= v1.1.8).
  • Fixed bug with filtering the removed object (>= v1.1.9).
  • Shallow copying was replaced with deep cloning js objects in ddpCollection.fetch(), ddpFilter.fetch() and in ddpCollection.onChange(), ddpFilter.onChange() (>= v1.1.9).
  • ddpFilter.onChange() triggers even when a next state of an object successfully passes the filter. If prev and next are both not false you can check which passes the filter with new argument predicatePassed. It is an array of two booleans, predicatePassed[0] is for prev and predicatePassed[1] is for next (>= v1.1.9).


Plugin system

SimpleDDP supports plugins (>= v1.1.7) 🎉. To use a plugin pass every plugin object you want in array as a second argument to simpleDDP constructor.

const simpleDDP = require("simpleddp").default;
const simpleDDPLogin = require("simpleddp-plugin-login").simpleDDPLogin;

let opts = {
    endpoint: "ws://someserver.com/websocket",
    SocketConstructor: WebSocket,
    reconnectInterval: 5000
const server = new simpleDDP(opts,[simpleDDPLogin]);

Plugins list

🔐 simpleddp-plugin-login (Meteor.Accounts login)

npm install simpleddp-plugin-login --save

Adds support for Meteor.Accounts login. See readme.

Usage (node.js example)

First of all you need WebSocket implementation for your node app. We will use ws package for this.

npm install ws --save

Now you should make a new simpleDDP instance.

const simpleDDP = require("simpleddp").default;
const ws = require("ws");

let opts = {
    endpoint: "ws://someserver.com/websocket",
    SocketConstructor: ws,
    reconnectInterval: 5000
const server = new simpleDDP(opts);

Connection is not going to be established immediately after you create a simpleDDP instance. If you need to check your connection simply use server.connected property which is true if you are connected to the server, otherwise it's false.

You can also add some events for connection status.

server.on('connected', () => {
    // do something

server.on('disconnected', () => {
    // for example show alert to user

As an alternative you can use a async/await style (or then(...)).

(async ()=>{
  await server.connect();
  // connection is ready here

The next thing we are going to do is subscribing to some publications.

let userSub = server.sub("user_pub");
let otherSub = server.sub("other_pub",['param1',2]); // you can specify arguments for subscription in array

(async ()=>{
  await userSub.ready();
  let nextSub = server.sub("next_pub", [server.collections.users[0].id]); // subscribing after userSub is ready
  await nextSub.ready();
  //all subs are ready here

You can find all things you've subscribed for in server.collections property. It's a simple js object with fields named after collections. Collection itself is a plain js array which consists of mongo documents sent by server. You can also use server.collection with ddpFilter to observe changes:

(async ()=>{
  let userSub = server.sub("user",[userId]);
  await userSub.ready();
  let current_user = server.collections.users.find(user=>user.id==userId);

  // or you can server.collection
  let the_same_user = server.collection('users').filter(user=>user.id==userId).fetch()[0];

  // observing the changes
    console.log('previus user data',state.prev);
    console.log('next user data',state.next);


If your meteor production server goes down and then restarts the server will suffer from a huge load because everyone who was connected via WebSockets will try to reconnect almost at the same time. The suggested solution is to set random reconnectInterval: reconnectInterval: Math.round(1000 + 4000 * Math.random())