This is an Open-Source implementation of the FLEX paging protocol encoder by DL1COM and DC1MIL.
This coder is based on US patent US55555183 and intended for non-commercial use only. All patent-related information is property of their respective owners, if still applicable.
Current state of implementation:
- Speed: 1600
- Block Information Words
- BIW 1
- LocalID/Timezone
- Day/Month/Year
- Hour/Minute/Second
- (Time and Date is currently hardcoded)
- Message Types:
- AlphaNum
- Only "Short Address" CAPCODES supported
- No inter-frame fragmentation possible, messages which do not fit into the current are sent in the next frame. Currently, it is possible to generate a FLEX bytestream from a JSON input file.
flex --MODE -i INPUT -o OUTPUT
--single generate only frames for the messages given
--hour generate a full hour of frames
--continuous generate frames continuously to UDP
-i, --input FILE.json
set input file (JSON)
-o, --output FILE set output file (FLEX bytestream)
JSON Message Format
Operation Mode: single
Generate only the frames for the messages contained in the JSON file.
flex --single -i messages.json -o messages.bin
Operation Mode: hour
Generate a full hour of FLEX frames, containing the messages from the JSON file in the respective frames.
flex --hour -i messages.json -o messages.bin
Operation Mode: continuously
Generates frames permanently, each 1.875 seconds and sends them to There could be a GNU Radio UDP Source waiting to do modulate and send the frames.
Input for frames could be done using a named pipe, e.g.:
mkfifo input.pipe
flex --continuous -i input.pipe
echo '[{"msgtype":"AlphaNum","capcode":123456,"data":"test","frame":1}]' > input.fifo
Build instructions
cargo build
Generate FLEX bytestream (see examples above)
Modulate bytestream using 2-FSK modulator (e.g. https://github.com/dl0muc/gr-flexpager)
Send directly to pager using your favorite SDR or dump audio to raw audio file and decode with multimon-ng
multimon-ng -t raw -a FLEX -v 3 dump.raw
Usage of flexencoder crate
// Create a message
let msg = Message::new(0, MessageType::AlphaNum, 0x123456, String::from("test")).unwrap();
// Create a frame
let mut frame = Frame::new(cycle_nr, frame_nr).unwrap();
// Check if there is still space left in frame
if msg.get_num_of_message_codewords().unwrap() > frame.space_left() {
panic!("No space left in frame.");
// Add message to frame
// Get frame bytes to send them
let bytes = frame.get_bytes();
FLEX®, is a registered trademark of Motorola®, Incorporated.