
FALSE Compiler in C

Primary LanguageC

FALSE Compiler

This is a compiler for the FALSE language, written in C. FALSE is a stack-based language, similar to Forth. Currently only supports x86_64 Linux, with glibc.


  • Compile to assembly, ELF object-file or ELF executable
  • Support for inline x86_64 machine code (Inspired by the original implementation's inline m68k assembler)


  • Somewhat recent version of nasm and ld
  • GNU libc


Compiling the project is done with the usual cmake commands, from the project root directory:

cmake -S. -Bbuild && cmake --build build

Then, to start using the compiler, you can either pipe in the program you want to compile via stdin, or specify a file with -f <file>.


echo -n "2 4+." | ./build/false-c (produces an executable named "false-prog" by default)

./build/false-c -f program.fls -o program (produces an executable named "program")

FALSE syntax


  • Any number, like 42, will be pushed onto the stack (Consecutive numbers need to be separated by whitespace)
  • Characters: 'c puts the character code for 'c' onto the stack

Stack manipulation

  • $ Duplicates the top element
  • % Drops (deletes) the element on top
  • \ Swaps the top two elements
  • @ Left-rotate top three elements (e.g. 1 2 3 -> 2 3 1)
  • ø Pick element at the given index (e.g. 1 2 3 0 ø -> 1 2 3 3)


  • + Addition
  • - Subtraction
  • * Multiplication
  • / Division
  • _ Negate (e.g. 3_ -> -3)
  • & Bitwise AND
  • | Bitwise OR
  • ~ Bitwise NOT


False is 0 and true is -1 (all bits set)

  • > Greater than
  • = Equals

Lambdas and control flow

  • [...] Defines a lambda, and puts it on the stack
  • ! Executes a lambda
  • ? Conditionally execute lambda condition[...]? (checks if second element on stack is non-zero)
  • # While-loop, takes two lambdas as operands: [condition][body]# (also checks for non-zero)


  • Use a-z to put a reference to a one of the 26 variables onto the stack
  • : Stores next item on stack into variable
  • ; Loads from variable


  • ^ Read a character from stdin (EOF = -1)
  • , Write a character to stdout
  • "string" Write string to stdout
  • . Write top of stack as a decimal integer
  • ß Flush buffered input/output (does nothing in this implementation)


  • {...} Comment
  • ` Compile integer as x86 machine code

How to use inline x86

My recommendation is to first write an assembly language snippet with the code you want to embed. Then you can assemble this to a flat binary, and embed 4 and 4 bytes of it at a time. Note that instructions might not cleanly map into multiples of 4 bytes, so pad with no-ops where necessary.

Important: The generated assembly uses rcx as a pointer to the stack, and rbx as a pointer to the variables, and thus care must be taken to preserve these registers, to avoid corrupting the program.

Small example (using nasm):

; snippet for printing "hi" to stdout
xor eax, eax
inc eax         ; set eax to 1 (write syscall)
xor edi, edi
inc edi         ; set edi to 1 (stdout)
mov word [rcx-2], 'hi'
lea rsi, [rcx-2]
mov rdx, 2      ; length 2
push rcx        ; save onto stack as syscalls may clobber rcx
pop rcx
nop             ; padding

Having saved this to a file called hi.asm, assemble it to a flat binary with nasm like so: nasm -fbin hi.asm -o hi.bin. We can check the contents of the binary with xxd:

$ xxd hi.bin
00000000: 31c0 ffc0 31ff ffc7 66c7 41fe 6869 488d  1...1...f.A.hiH.
00000010: 71fe ba02 0000 0051 0f05 5990            q......Q..Y.

(Here you would want to confirm that the binary is a multiple of 32-bits, and if not, pad with no-ops as mentioned.)

We can now use the included python script hex2int.py to convert xxd output to a FALSE inline-x86 statement. Pipe it into the compiler to create an executable like so:

$ xxd -ps hi.bin | ./hex2int.py | ./build/false-c-port -o hi && ./hi

Why make this?

For fun and profit :^)