
a c++ DLL for searching a linked list of strings against a particular match.

Primary LanguageC++

Project libSearch


This project is a C++ library for searching and manipulating lists. It provides functionalities for creating, building, and manipulating lists with various search algorithms.


  • List Creation: The library allows users to create lists with custom nodes.
  • List Building: Users can build lists with specified search criteria and modes.
  • Search Algorithms: The library implements search algorithms for finding specific elements in lists.
  • Memory Management: Memory allocation and deallocation are handled within the library for efficient resource usage.
  • File I/O: The library supports reading data from files to build lists.

Getting Started

To use the library in your project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone or download the repository.
  2. Include the necessary header files (list.h, module.h, stdafx.h) in your project.
  3. Link the library files (libSearch.cpp, dllmain.cpp, stdafx.cpp) with your project.
  4. Use the provided functions and structures to manipulate lists according to your requirements.


Here's a basic example of how to use the library:

#include "list.h"
#include "module.h"
#include "stdafx.h"

int main() {
    // Create a new list node
    struct list *node = create_node("needle", "haystack", "type", 1);
    // Insert the node into a list
    insert_node(&tree_node, node, free_node);

    // Perform searches on the list
    int result = bld_match(tree_node, "needle");

    // Print the list

    // Free memory allocated for the list
    free_list(tree_node, free_node);
    return 0;


Contributions to the project are welcome. Feel free to open issues for bug fixes, feature requests, or any other improvements you'd like to suggest. Pull requests are also appreciated.


This project is licensed under the BSD 3 License. See the LICENSE file for details.