
Convert python scripts into static binary with no deps. (ldd $BIN=nodeps)

Primary LanguageMakefile


  • Python 2.7 script to static binary

Notes V1

  • to get a standalone python you need to link all the modules staticaly
  • thius requires a custom build, because its dynamic in nature.
  • after the static lib's are overcome you run into some weird legacy code...
  • glibc.. a needed component to python is tricky it loads other modules
  • dynamically, and im not sure if the names are hard coded or not.
  • from what I understand, depending on the compiler there are 2 flavors of glibc, old/new
  • but you need a custom build for each os you want to drop it in.
  • so, a cent 5,6,7 build. but maybe diff vers of glibc too?
  • more testing to come. research says either way you should have 90% coverage per os
  • insanity...


  • This docker creates a static version of python 2.7.16.
  • It uses cython to compile the python script into c code.
  • It compiles the c code and links it with the static pythoin binarys.
  • The output is a static / portable/ standalone binary.

Environment variables

  • PY_SCRIPT=script in mounted volume to compile
  • PY_SCRIPT_OUTPOUT=name of the binary to drop into mounted volume


You must mount a volume to the "/build". This is where you drop your source .py file.

docker run -it \
           -v $(pwd)/build/:/build/ \
           -e PY_SCRIPT=my_script.py \
           -e PY_SCRIPT_OUTPUT=my_bin \

Building the image from scratch

git clone https://github.com/chris17453/pybin-onator.git
cd pybin-onator
make build


make test


  • In the mounted directory you will have 4 new files.
  • File #1 -> my_script.py.c
  • File #2 -> my_bin
  • FILE #3 -> cython.output. my_script.py to my_script.py.c
  • FILE #4 -> gcc.output. The binary compiler action


  • these modules need help with deps that are not static, they failed
  • these modules dont exist...
#_bsddb             _codecs_cn         _codecs_hk
#_codecs_iso2022    _codecs_jp         _codecs_kr
#_codecs_tw         _ctypes            _ctypes_test
#_curses            _curses_panel      _hashlib
#_hotshot           _json              _lsprof
#_multibytecodec    _multiprocessing   _socket
#_sqlite3           _ssl               _tkinter
#audioop            bz2                crypt
#dbm                future_builtins    gdbm
#linuxaudiodev      nis                ossaudiodev
#pyexpat            readline           resource
#termios            zlib

Author: Charles Watkins