
tapeworm is a flat file in memory database using dynamic POCO objects served via webAPI

Primary LanguageHTML


                  n       \ \ | / /   <--<--  '-----'
                  00        \ | /             | CSV |
  [Mr tapey]      |~          0               |     |
            -~=~=-*       [WebAPI]    -->-->  '_____'


to serve flat data as configurable, structured content with a queriable interface


  • Browsable CSV / database exports
  • Configuration via API
  • custom reporting
  • embeded webUI for clients


tapeworm demo


Input layer

  • creates POCO object for each configuration
  • uses object graph deserialization of POCO for fast accurate data manipulation
  • customizable column delimiters
  • customizable array delimiters
  • supports arrays inside of columns
  • supports an optional single unique key column


  • column may be set to non visible
  • column ordering
  • column naming
  • column alias
  • default data value
  • strongly typed data per column (string, int?)
  • enable/disable sorting per colum
  • enable/disable filtering per column
  • combined search across multi search enabled columns


  • hiding whitespace
  • hiding comments '#'
  • starting data read at file line x


  • hidden overflow for columns
  • fixed width columns
  • expandable columns
  • browsable data
  • paginated data


  • asynchronous api calls
  • discoverable data streams
  • paginatable data streams


  • output to json yaml or raw


  • docker for simple deployment
  • built on dotnetcore, buildable directly on mac, pc or linux
  • command line utility


  • records fail if strongly typed conversion is invalid
  • CRUD not fully exposed at the moment
  • high cpu use for initial read


  • optimization
  • flat file configuration support for ini, conf
  • CRUD for files
  • export to data type
  • support all datatypes, include nullable per type


this is the config format:

  • $config/filename.yml
  • $config variable is defined in appsettings.json
  • fields with a default may be omitted
name: freds_file                # the name to use when searching the file
display: "My File"              # the human readable name of this data stream
entity: "bobs shop"             # the customer/owner/company this data stream belongs to  
group: "Basic"                  # the grouping to catagorize this data stream  
ordinal: 2                      # the order of this datastream in the group               , default -1 (none)
uid: 2                          # the unique identifier for this data stream
path: '/docs/freds.txt'         # the file path
regex: "^[]$"                   # a regex to use for validating a single line             , default ''
field_delimiter:                # how to split the line                                   , default ,
array_delimiter:                # how to split the field                                  , default |
comment_delimiter:              # how to split the field                                  , default #
key:                            # which field is the primary key, not requuired
comments_visible:               # do comments count as records                            , default false
data_starts_on_line:1           # what line to begin reading data                         , default 1
errors_visible: true            # do entries with errors count as records                 , default true
empty_lines_visible:            # do empty lines count as records                         , default false
multi_search_enabled: true      # allow terms to search all enabeled filterable columns   , default true
active: true                    # is this data stream active                              , default false
properties:                     # an array of fields per line
- name: node                    # the property name
  display: 'machine name'       # the human visible display name of the property           
  type: string                  # the type of data. int or string                         , default string
  default: ''                   # default value for this property                         , default for type, string='',int=0
  is_array: 'false'             # this property is an array of type's                     , default false
  has_default:false             # use a default value if none is given                    , default false
  ordinal:0                     # what is the order of this property                      , default -1 (none)
  visible:true                  # is this property visible                                , default true
  fixed_width:true              # can this column auto grow                               , default true only 1 column can have this property. set it to false for that column
  width:100                     # the default width for this property                     , default 100
  max_width:0                   # dont mess with, ui stuff                                , default 0
  min_width:0                   # dont mess with, ui stuff                                , default 0
  overflow:false                # dont mess with, ui stuff                                , default false
  filterable:true               # is this property searchable                             , default false
  multi_search                  # is this property available in the multi search          , default false
  sortable                      # is this property sortable                               , default false
  sort_ordinal                  # what order to apply this sort                           , default 0
  sort_default                  # is this a property that is sorted by default            , default false
  sort_default_asc              # the default direction of this sort                      , default false
  export:true                   # can this property be exported                           , default true
  options:[{'key','value'}}]    # predefined filterable options for this property         , 


  • the tapeworm docker requires 2 volume mounts
  • /app/data # where the data lives
  • /app/config # where the 'yaml' config files for your data live. Sub dirs=ok

to build and run the docker

cd docker