
an AST parser fro vb6 using Antler

Primary LanguagePython

vb6 parser

System prequisites

  • antlr4

Python prequisites

  • antlr4-python3-runtime
  • argparse

Test code

  • this pulls a repo which has lots of vb6 test code
make get-test-code


  • this takes the 2 g4 vb6 language definition files and builds the python parser using antler
make vb6

## run

# --json for json output, Optional
# -- pprint for python prety print, Optional
python vb6/vb6.py <filename.py> <--json> <--pprint>

# this is the test run with test code
make test-single
make test-class

import in python

from .vb6 import parse

G4 files