
Ansible role to do regression testing of fog-vsphere against Red Hat Satellite


Ansible role to do regression testing of fog-vsphere against Red Hat Satellite on VMware

Build status

Build Status


  • Python >= 2.6
  • ovirt-engine-sdk-python >= 4.2.4
  • Ansible 2.7
  • PyVmomi

Role Variables

  • Variables are all in defaults/main.yml
cp_id: Compute Profile ID
cr_id: Compute Resource ID
fog_version: Fog version that you are testing with on Red Hat Satellite
fogpatch_url: URL to GitHub Patch to download and test
hammer_password: Password for hammer
hammer_user: Username for hammer
hammer_version: Version of hammer on the Satellite
hostgroup_id: Hostgroup ID
location_id: Location ID
medium_id: Installation medium ID
org_id: Organization ID
os_id: Operating system ID
override_fog: Put true if you want to test a specfic version of fog-vsphere than on the machine
ptable_id: Partition Table ID
revert_vm: Put true if you want to revert the VM snapshot after testing
vmw_cluster: Cluster name in VMware
vmw_password: Password for VMware
vmw_hostname: URL to VMware
vmw_username: Username for VMware
sat_domain: Domain setup in Satellite to append to short name host during creation
test_fog_version: Version of fog-vsphere you want to test and download. IE 2.5.0
test_pr: Put true if running in PR test mode.
update_satellite: Put true if you want to perform a yum update * and then an installer run with the --upgrade flag
vm_timeout: 567 # Configurable timeout for waiting before starting more VM creation tasks

Example Playbook

- name: Start fog-vsphere Red Hat Satellite regression testing
  hosts: all
  become: true
  remote_user: root
  become_method: enable
  gather_facts: no
  serial: 1

    - chris1984.downstream_fog_testing



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