
My solution to the 2018 DefCon CTF Quals elf crumble problem

Primary LanguagePython

elf-crumble solve

This is my solution to the 2018 DefCon CTF Quals elf crumble problem.

The description of this problem stated that "The binary was dropped and broke into a bunch of pieces. But not to worry, the pieces would all fit back together if you put them back in the correct order." (or something like that.)

My approach was as follows:

  • Take a look at the broken file and see what it looked like.
  • I noticed a lot of 58s (X in ascii) in one section of the file. I took a guess that this is where the broken fragments should go.
  • Next I loaded the broken binary into two parts, brokena and brokenb. brokena was the data before the 58s' and brokenb was the data after the 58s. I did not load the 58's into anything, they were omitted.
  • After that I loaded the file fragments.
  • I then created each possible permutation of the fragment files, and inserted them in between brokena and brokenb, and then wrote them.
  • I finished the rest of the solution with some bash commands. I executed each of the generated files, and printed if it wasn't a segfault.

To run this, do the following:

python broken.py

This will write all of the possible permutations of the broken binary into bin/. Next run the following:

cd bin; chmod +x *; for i in {0..40319}; do if OUTPUT="$(./$i | grep -v "Segmentation fault")"; then echo $i $OUTPUT; fi  done

Binary iteration number: 39690 was the solution. When ran it will print the flag: welcOOOme.