
Liberator is an OC/UC daemon similar to, and based on virtuous.
It's a native app, which runs via an init.d script on startup.
I suggest uninstalling any other apps that have the same function.
It has 4 profiles, which can be set up to change the governor, scheduler, and min/max freqs.
Normal - The default profile.
Sleep - Kicks in when the screen turns off.
Charging - Kicks in when the screen is on, and the phone is charging.
Low Battery - Kicks in while the screen is on, not charging, and the battery percentage falls below the defined level.

It is setup using text files in /system/etc/liberator.
Each profile has some settings files.
Normal - default_governor, default_scheduler, default_min_freq, default_max_freq
Sleep - soff_governor, soff_scheduler, soff_min_freq, soff_max_freq
Charging - charge_governor, charge_scheduler, charge_min_freq, charge_max_freq
Low Battery - lowb_governor, lowb_scheduler, lowb_min_freq, lowb_max_freq, lowb_level

These files are self explanatory, but I'll explain anyway:
[profile]_governor - this file contains the name of the governor to be set when this profile is triggered. (eg. Ondemand)
[profile]_scheduler - this file contains the name of the scheduler to be set when this profile is triggered. (eg. NOOP)
[profile]_min_freq - this file contains the minimum frequency to be set when this profile is triggered. (eg. 194000)
[profile]_max_freq - this file contains the maximum frequency to be set when this profile is triggered. (eg. 1512000)
lowb_level - this file contains a 2 digit number that represents the battery percentage which the Low Battery profile is triggered. (eg. 15)

If any profile file (other than Normal) is blank or missing, it sets that profile to use the same info from Normal.
If the lowb_level (Low Battery level) file is blank or missing, it assumes 0.. Effectively disabling the low battery profile..

to find out available governors for your kernel:
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors
to find out available frequencies for your kernel:
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies
to find out available schedulers for your kernel:
cat /sys/class/block/mmcblk0/queue/scheduler

Must be in a root adb shell or terminal session...